Letters to the Editor

Signs for NWA should

warn of no vacancies

There's been a lot of talk lately about the growth of Northwest Arkansas. Predictions are of a million or more residents in a few years. Is this what we really want?

Many of us live in NWA because it is a great community with many quiet neighborhoods, good schools and little traffic. Obviously, with a million people, this will change.

Yes, many people would like to come here to live but how does that affect the current residents? More traffic, crowded stores, possibly more violence? Is this what we want?

Drive around town and look at all the multi-unit housing projects that have gone up and are going up. A new multi-unit housing development is being built right next to Butterfield Elementary School. Yes, people want to come live here. It's a beautiful area. But in a few short years, it will be a lot like those areas they are leaving. If we build housing for the homeless, for example, more homeless may come. The university is already at 30,000 students and they're planning for more.

Let's stop the growth while we can. We don't need a sign that when entering Fayetteville says "Stay Out!" But how about a sign that says, "Sorry, but we're full!"

James Stowe


Is pregnancy care

medical or legal?

In the April 11 paper, congressional candidate Caitlin Draper states that she fears that, by Arkansas law, she will not be able to terminate a non-viable pregnancy without leaving this state. The article states that U.S. Rep. Steve Womack's campaign, contacted about Draper's comments, said Womack will not comment on a "personal, family matter."

So which is it, a matter for the law or a "personal, family matter?"

Sue Garland


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