Letters to the editor: Hold cities accountable for protecting property

Hold cities accountable for protecting property

There are riots, looting and other violent and illegal activity in several major cities supposedly in response to the Minneapolis police killing a black man while taking him into custody. There are also legitimate demonstrations demanding justice in response to the same incident. The legitimate and non-violent demonstrations are a valid response; the rioting, looting and other illegal activities are not. This type of violent rioting has happened too often in to many places with no serious consequences to the criminals involved.

The actions of these criminals is not really a result of police action; like most criminals they are just opportunistic and see this as a great chance to steal and burn with impunity. Equally responsible are the government entities that allow it to happen. State and city governments seem to believe it is wrong to respond to violence with violence and the criminals know this. The news media would crucify the first city government that takes action against the criminals, but I believe the voters would get behind that type leader in large numbers.

I believe state, county and city governments that allow the destruction of property should be held financially responsible to the insurance companies and property owners who have damage. This behavior can be stopped, but strong force will be required. People looting or starting fires should be arrested by whatever means are required. Tasers have proven effective against many criminals that did not do as told. Police/National Guard also have other weapons both lethal and non-lethal to bring them under control; they should be used. Legitimate demonstrators must be protected, but we can no longer allow the violence that is destroying our cities.

The looting and burning and the costs of police, fire department, National Guard and property destruction take valuable resources that could go to improving our infrastructure instead of trying to rebuild what criminals destroy. We are in bad economic times right now and need every dollar available to go toward getting people back to work, not destroying their workplace.

Enough is enough; it is time to hold local governments accountable for enforcing existing laws.

Rob Pflager

Bella Vista

Commentary on 06/03/2020

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