If not backing Biden,

just write in a name

Almost every day we are confronted with new outrages connected to the Trump administration. Yet Trump supporters are sticking with him, it seems. On June 24 as the House Judiciary Committee was hearing testimony about political interference in the Justice Department, serious allegations were being levied by career prosecutors who know they are putting themselves at risk of presidential wrath. The response by most of the Republicans was, like in the impeachment hearings, to deny the truth of the accusations, to accuse the Democrats of being motivated by hatred of the president, and to excuse the behavior by accusing Democrats of having committed the same misdeeds, desperately attempting to establish a moral equivalency where none exists. One of the Republicans at the hearing actually made annoying loud noises by banging on his desk, making the testimony difficult to hear. I mean, really, are you supporters of Trump OK with that kind of conduct?

We saw the same kind of behavior during the impeachment trial. Republicans in both the House and the Senate claimed Trump’s behavior was not impeachable, as in the House, nor valid enough to remove Trump from office in the Senate. Now you know they lied. The Republicans would be outraged if these same charges were directed at a Democratic president. But, it seems to me, they tell these lies because Trump supporters continue to favor him. So, it seems to be true, that people in democratic societies get the kind of government they deserve.

If you think it’s OK for the president to invite leaders of rival nations to interfere in our elections, then go ahead and vote for him in November. If you think obstructing Congress from doing their constitutional oversight duties is OK, then go ahead and ignore the fact that Republicans in Congress are lying on your behalf because they believe you don’t care or don’t understand the danger this president poses to our future.

However, if you don’t like how this president is conducting himself in the presidency, but you just can’t bring yourself to vote for a Democrat, I have a suggestion. When it comes to your vote in November, write in your own name, or your spouse’s name, or your pastor’s name, someone whose honesty you don’t question. If enough of you do that, perhaps Republicans in the Congress will come to the conclusion that it would have been better to risk the wrath of the president by exercising the moral courage to speak up about his wrongdoings. You know that they know that Trump’s behavior is impeachable. They, the Republicans in Congress, also know that political interference in the courts is dangerous in the extreme, but they won’t stop it if they think people will vote for Trump no matter what.


Bella Vista

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