Paper’s photo selection seems like editorializing

I grabbed the Democrat-Gazette this morning (Monday, Oct. 29) to see a picture on the front page of the caravan of Central Americans that showed women and children lying on a blanket eating breakfast. There were no men in the picture and my immediate thought was that this picture was not a true indication of the makeup of the caravan. I have seen reports that a large number of the migrants are young men. The cynic in me wondered if maybe, just maybe, the Democrat-Gazette had purposely put a picture on its front page with the intent to instill sympathy for these people who are marching toward the U.S.

Then, I go to the editorial page and read a letter from a Mr. Anderson who stated that journalists should report facts and not their agendas. I can just imagine what Mr. Anderson thought about the front-page picture.

The Democrat-Gazette can address whatever it wishes on the Editorial Page, including an abundance of anti-Trump cartoons, since this section of the paper is opinion-oriented. However, the rest of the paper should present facts and news without bias. Unfortunately, Mr. Anderson is correct that the media has lost its integrity and can no longer be expected to find the truth.


Bella Vista

Build a garden, but protect WAC parking

There has been a proposal to close the large parking lot at West Avenue and Dickson Street [in Fayetteville] and turn it into a garden area. While that could be attractive, I fear the loss of parking at that location would be the death of the Walton Arts Center because nearby parking is essential to the WAC since a larger percentage of elderly patrons participate in and support the WAC.

Instead, why not build a beautiful garden with plants, flowers, trees and flowing streams above the current parking lot. Perhaps some 20 to 30 feet above the WAC lot, with escalators up to the garden and then from the garden to the WAC? I would be a beautiful addition to the WAC.

We absolutely, positively must preserve the WAC.



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