Letters to the Editor

When it comes to Trump, it's all about numbers

Face it, folks, Donald Trump won the numbers game. He won 30 of 50 states, giving him 36 more electoral votes than needed to capture the presidency. His margin here in Arkansas was 304,378 more votes than Hillary, 61 percent of the total. If you don't like those numbers, what must be done to reverse them? Here are three possibilities.

Possibility No. 1: Convince those voters who gave Donald Trump his victory to change their minds. Why would they do that? Maybe Donald Trump doesn't deliver on his promises, especially the promise that mattered most to them. It could be a better health care plan, lower taxes, more jobs, no abortions, conservative justices, keeping illegal immigrants out, obliterated ISIS, etc. Bottom line: Did he Make America Great Again? Maybe he'll deliver, maybe not.

Possibility No. 2: Donald Trump and his administration are too big of an embarrassment to voters. Donald Trump's negative tweeting and personal decorum are just too outrageous to ignore, and voters want a more presidential leader. Or his administration leaders do a lousy job in their departments. At this point it's too early to tell, but Donald Trump and his cabinet picks are serious, accomplished people.

Possibility No. 3: Come up with a vision for America that convinces more voters to get up off their couch and turn out at the polls. The percentage of the 251 million eligible U.S. people who did not vote in 2016 was 40 percent. It was 53 percent in Arkansas, more than 1 million voters! Why did millions of voters not turn out? Hillary's own baggage and personal style were big problems for Democrats. But, equally damaging, was the lack of a vision that excited voters. Donald Trump created a buzz; Hillary did not.

For me, possibilities one and two put the power for change in the hands of others: Will they deliver or not, will they be incompetent or not. But, possibility three is one where a new vision and a better candidate creates its own buzz and moves voters off the couch.

Let's stop the negative attacks and acting like Republicans have for the last eight years, and come up with a more exciting and relevant alternative! It's a tough challenge (please see John Brummett's Feb. 28 column), but it can be done. The 2018 elections are just around the corner.

Folks, it's all about the numbers.

Greg Moore

Holiday Island

Boozman's telephone call isn't enough

Sen. John Boozman recently held a town call meeting that was a huge disappointment to his many constituents that wanted a conversation with their elected official.

He represents us and needs to be willing to meet with us to hear our concerns.

Becky McCain


Commentary on 03/13/2017

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