
Garbage for tabloids

Those who might quickly scan headlines and articles for a fast "take" of the important news stories of the day are often misled or even deceived. I heard the speech Donald Trump gave at his Ohio rally. He stated, if elected, he would place a 100 percent tariff on electric cars built by Chinese factories in Mexico. His clear implication was, if he was not elected, there would be an economic bloodbath.

Playing into the fears of paranoid Trump haters and voter readers who may be undecided on their choice of presidential candidate are not served well by sensationalized headlines. Please save the garbage for the tabloid "trash cans" you find at the dollar stores.


Hot Springs

More on euphemisms

In Wednesday's editorial "Euphemisms R Us/When real words are too accurate," the authors argue that euphemisms are really "alternative facts" and should never be used. They go on to praise "the late, great Paul Greenberg" for fighting for "real language."

Yet it was Paul Greenberg who for years as the editorialist wrote over and over about how great the "Lost Cause" was. The "Lost Cause" claim was that the Confederate States (and of course Robert E. Lee) were heroic and that the Civil War was not about slavery. Are there any worse alternative facts, euphemisms, than that? They even quote Greenberg himself as having written: "It can give the bloodiest deeds an antiseptic sound. Although the people killed as a result are just as dead."



Listen to the words

In an MSNBC interview, Timothy Snyder, Yale historian, who was commenting on the inadequate press coverage of Donald Trump's nearly two-hour Georgia campaign speech and the recent "bloodbath" comment, quoted his 11-year-old daughter, who said, "You know, Dad, with dictators you just need to listen to what they said."

Truer words were never spoken.


Little Rock

Just say da, comrade

It seems Donald Trump's vision for America is the reality of Vladimir Putin's Russia.


Little Rock

Optimism for Gen Z

The 1960s started with primal drums, soaring guitar solos, and a bass line like a freight train. I got on board at the earliest opportunity. It didn't much matter where the train was headed, bound for glory or bound for hell; one was just as good as the other. All that mattered was that it was bound for someplace, someplace other than where I was at.

We didn't think the ride would last forever; most of us weren't thinking at all. Still, none would have predicted that it would end in just a few short years. It died young, bleeding out in the mud of Vietnam, on a balcony in Memphis, in a Los Angeles hotel kitchen, and on a college campus in Ohio.

But in that brief time, we ushered in the environmental and civil rights movements, and put an end to the Vietnam war, driving two presidents from office in the process.

Gen X brought something to the table. They gave us extreme sports. No one will argue that snowboarding isn't more fun to watch than cross-country skiing.

Millennials take issue with just about everything but haven't produced one decent protest song. 1966 saw me bounced out of high school because my hair was over my ears. In 1976 we saw Jimmy Carter, wearing his hair over his ears, elected to the presidency. I'll wager it will be quite some time before we see a person with a man bun in the Oval Office.

My two sons are Gen Z. Watching this group develop has given me cause for optimism. When they read the news on their phones, they call it doom-scrolling, but they are tuned in.

Lighten up, kids, all you have to do is fix this world.


Hot Springs

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