Quilt society has May meeting

A member shows off her Crown Royal quilt blocks in process. 
(Special to The Commercial)
A member shows off her Crown Royal quilt blocks in process. (Special to The Commercial)

The Grand Prairie Quilt Society met June 8 at the First Christian Church's fellowship hall in Stuttgart with six members present.

The meeting opened with a vintage Thought for the Day: "A clean house is the sign of a broken sewing machine."

The May minutes and treasurer's report were given. June Birthday greetings were extended to three members. A memorial was given by the club to First Christian Church in memory of Jim Barber, according to a news release.

"Those who attended the Country Quilt Camp VIII last weekend reported that a great time was had by all. Many creative and lovely projects were started and we hope to see them in the future," according to the release.

Participants enjoyed chef prepared meals and were sad to hear that managers at Cross Heirs will be retiring. The group wishes them the best in their future retirement adventures.

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A member showed the Crown Royal quilt blocks she worked on at quilt camp. It is still a work in progress and the club looks forward to seeing the finished product.

A member started a new afghan, navy blue and red, that will be donated to her Disciples Women retreat in September in Mississippi.

A future Quilt Day Camp was discussed for 2023. Members were also reminded to keep making the items for Arkansas Children's Hospital -- the small pillows and pillow cases.

The next meeting on July 13 will be a Sit n' Sew. People are invited to bring their lunch and join them.

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