Bõlaide, Eprōḷ 2: Ļalem men raurōk im jej aikuij jelã kōn nañinmej in covid-19 ilo Arkansas in

As our state deals with the spread of covid-19 in the midst of a global outbreak, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette will publish five things you need to know each week. We'll be publishing these roundups in English, Spanish and Marshallese. You can read our full coverage at nwaonline.com/coronavirus/. Coronavirus coverage pertaining to crucial public health information will be available for all readers.

Errein ej meļeļe ko ļalem raurōk kwoj aikuij jeļā kōn nañinmij in coronavirus.

• Arkansas ear rekoote 330,609 case in covid-19 ko me relukkuun in alikkar ke rej covid im ko remaroñ jen jinoin an kar walok in nañinmej in eļap, ekkar ñan meļeļe ko raar letoki ilo Eprōl 2 raan eo. Eṃōj an rijerbal ro an jikin ājmour eo an State ripoote im kwalok bwe tarin 5,636 raan jako jen naninmij in covid-19 im 323,203 raar mour jen nañinmej in.  Rijerbal ro raar bareinwōt ripoot bwe eṃōj an Arkansas leļǫk 1,175,597 wā ko wāān covid-19.

• Kwon ko ikkijen ekkōnak masks ilo lobwillej ilo ad kattoļok kōj jen doon emaroñ jab jemļok ilo week in, Gov. Asa Hutchinson ear kōjjeļā ilo Maaj 30 raan eo. Hutchinson ear lo an dikļok oran nōmba in case in nañinmej bareinwōt ilo imōn taktkō ko ilo state in ekōman bwe en kabōjrak ekōnak masks, jekdoon ñe ro retijemļok rej karoñ koj ke enaj bar wor kein kemen in nañinmej in. Governor eo ear bareinwōt kōmman kakobaba ke jekdoon ñe ebōjrak ad ekōnak masks, ej rōjañ kajojo armej in Arkansas in bwe wōnmaanļok wot im kōnak masks ko aer.

• Kajojo ro ioon Arkansas in im 16 aer iiō im rittoļok remaroñ kio bōk wā in covid-19 in, Hutchinson ear ba naan in ilo Maaj 30 raan eo. Kōj ro ioon Arkansas in ñe jekōnaan bōk wā in jemaroñ call e nōmba in 1-800-985-6030 bwe jen maroō kōmman ad appointment ak lale website eo an Department  eo an Jikin Ājmour ñan meļeļe ko reļļapļok wot.

• Ilo an jemļok ekōnak masks, Hutchinson ear kwaļok ilo Maaj 30 raan eo ke businesses ak imōn wia ko, imōn jikuuļ ko im jikin taktō ko rej aikuj make kōmman aer kwon ikkijen ekkōnak masks ak jab. Bukōn ko remaroñ bar make kōmman aer make kwon ikkijen ekkōnak masks. Ewor jikin jikuuļ ko im bukōn ko rej aikuj bwe kwon kōnak masks eo am ie.

• Ilo Maaj 29 raan eo, ewor ruteij ro raar maroñ uwaake kúr in an governor eo ad ikkijen kaitokļok public health emergengcy eo. Jekdoon ñe emōj an jemļok mọ eo, governor in ear ba ke unin kar kakobaba in ñan rōjan kajojo armej in Arkansas in bwe ren bōk wā in covid-19 in im kōtļok ñan baamle ko edik aer kōmman jāān ak low income ro bwe ren maroñ tōprak ilo Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ak jipañ ko jen kien ikkijen mōñā im wāwein ko jabdewot ñan baamle ko edik aer kōmman jāān.

Translation: Marshallese Educational Initiative staff

ENGLISH: https://www.nwaonline.com/news/2021/apr/02/friday-april-2-five-things-know-about-covid-19/

SPANISH: https://www.nwaonline.com/news/2021/apr/02/viernes-2-de-abril-cinco-hechos-importantes/

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