NWA Letters to the Editor

If the people behaved like Trump, we'd be in prison

The Department of Justice rules the president called Trump can't be indicted on charges for his actions in office since he must be left alone to govern the people's business supported by his attorney genera, Barr.

Therefore, Trump spends all his time tweeting, exchanging love letters with dictators, watching Fox TV news with false facts to help him, planning corrupt schemes and playing a lot of golf at his resort. Then he flies all over the country in Air Force One on the taxpayers' money to rallies spinning and using big-mouth foul language against the Constitution and laws of the country.

It seems the DOJ has its rules wrong for the office of president. Is this really the role of a president? If we as common people voters had done just one of Trump's activities, we would already be in federal prison. Citizens are now confused about this type of leadership from President Trump. It seems leadership is needed now for health care, reducing drug costs, abiding to the laws, trading for farmers and foreign policy for "we the people."

George Rowland


If Trump's to be history, it's up to those who vote

We now know Donald J. Trump had thought about running for president since the '80s. It has become equally obvious that, when he ran, he had no clue what it meant to "do" the job of president.

As you, me and millions of others have become painfully aware, he also was completely ignorant about how our government was designed to work, in particular the limits placed on presidential power by the Constitution, Congress, the courts and the press.

No president in our lifetime has displayed such initial ignorance then disdain for the checks and balances built into our Constitution.

After three years, the 54 percent of voters who voted for someone other than him, the 44 percent of all voting-eligible people who did not vote, and an increasing number of the 27 percent (of all eligible voters) who elected him have come to realize his selection violated all three time-honored criteria for a successful hire. The first of these criteria is ability. It is now obvious he was unqualified by relevant experience, by intellect, by personality, or by management and leadership skills. The second criteria is motivation. His motivation for running was not to win but to improve and enhance his "brand." After being elected, his only motivation has been to do whatever benefits him or makes him look good to his core base of supporters--not to do what is in the best interest of the country. The third criteria is fit. As pointed out above he would be a good fit in a dictator-led country, but not in a democracy.

Since his party's members have shown they are unwilling to act, it seems apparent that it will be up to us -- citizens who vote -- to elect a president and Congress who will represent all citizens (not just those who voted for them, party leaders or big wealthy donors) in 2020. A presidential president and a nonpartisan Congress can then work together to do what is needed to make America sane again.

Jim Hammons


NW News on 10/19/2019

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