Letters to the Editor

A voter who wants a different kind of politician

I know I only have a high school education compared to [June 3 letter writer] Bass Trumbo's as a lawyer. I have voted in every presidential election since 1972. I have listened to all the politicians who have promised what they would do if elected. Some have been able to do what they promised if they have their party in control of the Congress and Senate.

I remember President George Bush senior saying "Read my lips" to no new taxes. I listened to Hillary Clinton in the election of 2008 saying that she had to duck sniper fire when she visited Bosnia. In the election of 2016 she said she didn't use her own server and computer and did not have classified information. It has been reported that 22 messages and maybe more were classified. I won't even bring up Benghazi.

President Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas for 11 years and president for eight years. A well-educated man who had a Rhodes Scholarship. In his second term, he lied about having an affair with an intern. He said it wasn't sex because it was oral. Is this the kind of man we want our kids and grandkids to look up to?

Barack Obama campaigned on an open government. All bills would be available for review before he signed any. Over 23 times President Obama said if you liked your plan, you could keep your plan. Nancy Pelosi told everyone you had to pass it to see what was in it. Our president didn't read it before signing it.

I know I could list many more lies politicians have told the citizens of America to get elected. If the American people keep accepting these, it will never get any better.

I have lost faith in politicians. They swear on a stack of Bibles that they will uphold the laws and then ignore them. If they are bad laws, get them changed. There is a process to do this. I have no problem following the law. I know if I get caught I will pay the fine or serve the time that goes with it.

I voted for President Donald Trump. I want a secure border. I want someone that is for the common man like myself. I want him to get bills through the Senate and not use executive orders like our President Obama did. President Trump may turn out to be as big a liar as all these politicians. If so, he can be voted out in four years.

I guess some of you will call me uneducated and deplorable. That is your right.

R.T. Reed


On climate change, how about half a solution?

In an effort to bring clarity to the current controversy over President Donald Trump's decision not to support the Paris Climate Accord, I offer the following solution: If we assume the country is roughly split 50/50 in the belief of anthropogenic climate change in the form of the greenhouse carbon theory, the remedy is easy. The half that buys into the theory just drops off the grid and ceases using electricity, gasoline and all other forms of combustible carbon. Simple -- an instant 50 percent reduction in carbon emissions.

The rest of us can continue using our cars, air conditioners, charcoal barbecues and all the rest that makes life such a pleasure. Of course, those of us who question the "global warming" theory will continue to strive to be more efficient in our use of carbon-based energy and continue recycling what we can. As time goes on and our private industry continues to develop alternate energy sources as they become affordable, we will encourage those who dropped off the grid to come in out of the dark and enjoy the benefits of our great capitalist system.

Who says every problem is complicated? I submit the above only partially tongue-in-cheek.

Tom Candela

Bella Vista

Commentary on 06/12/2017

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