Obama hasn’t made case as ‘greatest president’

I read Art Hobson’s article (“The greatest president since FDR”) in the Jan. 10 edition of this paper. In my opinion, President Obama will replace President Jimmy Carter as the worst president in my lifetime. President Obama’s accomplishments as outlined by Professor Hobson are somewhat dubious.

The Affordable Care Act was passed based on lies about being able to keep your doctor and current health plan if you like them and cost savings to families of about $2,500. According to Nancy Pelosi, it was passed without members of Congress even knowing what was in the law.

As I remember, several million families lost their plans because it did not meet the criteria of the ACA and many doctors would not accept it. I have not heard of very many folks who have saved anywhere near $2,500 in premiums. Lately the news has been that the ACA is about to implode because of cost.

I do agree that the unemployment rate has dropped significantly. However, the labor participation rate has dropped from about 64 percent in 2008 to 62 percent in December 2016. The number of people receiving food stamps is up a little over 15 million and the number of people living in poverty is up by about 8 million.

As for being scandal-free, I remember the lies he told about the ACA and about Benghazi. I remember the targeting of conservatives by the IRS. I remember Fast and Furious. I remember him expressing his ignorance about what was happening in his administration on these “scandals.”

His administration went from the stance of not allowing Iran to produce nuclear material to one of postponing the development of a nuclear bomb. He also provided $185 billion to the Middle East’s leading sponsor of terrorism and paid them $400 million for ransom. His ineptness in foreign policy led to a quick extraction of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, which led to the growth of ISIS which he called the junior varsity of terrorism. His leading from behind allowed Iran and Russia to become major players in the Syrian civil war and the mess in Libya, including the loss of four brave Americans at Benghazi.

As for compromising with Congress, his idea of compromise is “do it my way or I will demonize you.”

Add to that the doubling of the national debt, the division that has intensified in our country and the loss of confidence by our allies and I have a lot of trouble calling this a successful administration, much less the greatest since FDR.


Pea Ridge

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