Collins' approach to guns on campus flawed

Collins' approach to guns on campus flawed

Charlie Collins continues to push guns onto college campuses where guns are neither needed nor wanted. He continues to defy overwhelming opposition by the people most directly affected by his gun bill. There are good reasons every college has opposed his law every year; why city and campus police all oppose the bill; why the governor and local officials oppose his bill; why faculty and students in great numbers oppose his bill. Why won't he listen to us?

Collins is probably a "states' rights" guy, screaming government overreach when the feds do something he doesn't like, such as health care for the people. But his idea of local control stops in Little Rock, not at the 40 local levels around the state that his bill affects -- constituencies he does not represent. Forcing a dangerous law on a huge majority of people who oppose it is pure tyranny.

Collins assumes a rational, thoughtful shooter, one who -- knowing that some teachers will have concealed guns -- will just give up and go have a root beer at Sonic. Or, maybe since he knows some teachers will be armed, he'll just be smart and go shoot the teacher first. So whether armed or not, all teachers would rationally become first targets. Was that Charlie's intent?

His plan of an armed faculty saving the day is seriously flawed and totally speculative. Surprise is the key. If someone bursts into a classroom with an automatic weapon firing at the teacher, that poor teacher will have no time to reach for wherever a gun may be hidden.

The odds of a shooting happening here are so low one wonders about Collins' real motivation beyond fear mongering. And why doesn't he push equally hard for guns in the Capitol and Legislature where he operates, so he doesn't look so hypocritical? Wouldn't that make him feel safer? And he does get re-elected, yes, but not by the people he is harming.

Mike Cooper


Who is able to get in to see Sen. Cotton?

People in Arkansas can't see their senator, Tom Cotton, or his staff without an appointment. I'll bet I know who doesn't need an appointment -- Charles and David Koch.

David Roberts

Fort Smith

Commentary on 02/08/2017

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