Making Springdale a destination by traveling to another city?

The recent article regarding Springdale growth and development was quite interesting. The planners determined they need more engineering and technical enterprises in the area. That is a blinding flash of the obvious as most of the 3,007 other counties in the U.S. have concluded the same thing!

I'm not sure all of those counties sent representatives to a resort to come to this conclusion. But the most interesting thing I read, is the desire to make Springdale a "destination city." Then you read the location of the planning meeting -- a resort lodge in Branson. Not a very compelling statement for Springdale -- go elsewhere (and spend money in another state).

Dick Armey, former House majority leader, said this: "Three groups spend other people's money: children, thieves, politicians. All three need supervision."

James D. Stoops


Editorial on 12/15/2017

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