Letters to the Editor

World needs a United States that will lead

Americans must not permit the continued political decline of the United States. Recently, President Trump and Paul Ryan tried to bully Congress, especially members of their own party, to vote and repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and replace it with a plan that has the potential of worsening the health care system. I applaud those Republicans who had the moral courage to go against their party leaders.

The Affordable Care Act has many flaws, which are identifiable and can be corrected mainly because the policy has been in place since 2010. President Trump's response after the rejection of the Republican plan was to permit Obamacare to implode. Knowingly allowing millions to suffer without insurance is not the leadership Americans would expect from a president of the United States regardless of party affiliation.

Also, while under former President Obama, American involvement and influence in world events has been on the decline. America must maintain and improve its position in the world by providing stability, leadership and trust building. USA Today reported in January that President Trump stated he wants America to withdraw from the United Nations, pulling out of multi-national treaties. Trump tweeted that the United Nations is "just a club for people to get together, talk, and have a good time." The withdrawal of America and other countries from the world will only permit rogue nations to become emboldened to take advantage of and exploit the rest of the world. Russia is a good example as Putin tries to influence politics around the world and has started to rebuild the Old Russian regime, abandoning a more democratic Russia.

NBC news recently did a piece on Mikhail Gorbachev, former leader of the Soviet Union (1985-91) during the Cold War period. Gorbachev said about current world events, "it looks like the world is preparing for war." He went on to say he believes this because countries are assembling armies close to each other's borders and pointing weaponry at each other.

In January, BBC World News reported that Great Britain voted to leave the European Union, and has plans to completely withdraw within two years. France is considering the same and Germany next. The domino effect has begun with European countries. The EU was established after World War II with the idea that "countries which trade together are more likely not to go to war with each other."

The United States and other countries must not withdraw from their role in providing stability in the world. If they do then the door for opportunists like Russia, North Korea and Iran will be wide open to exploit and take advantage of world politics and push agendas of domination.

America needs true leadership that understands the world and the role America plays in that world. America needs a statesman who leads by influence and persuasion, has the ability to compromise, is able to unite people, keeps his word, and is decisive in times of crisis.

Terry Stewart


Commentary on 04/08/2017

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