Masterson's omission raises question of balance

Masterson's omission raises question of balance

In his column Sunday, Nov. 6, Mike Masterson makes a good case for the media avoiding bias in reporting and quotes statistics that indicate many believe the media have a liberal bias. He conveniently ignores probably the most biased media source outside of Russia, Fox News. All the politically neutral fact-checking organizations and many others have documented an unending stream of outright lies and not-so-subtle distortions of the truth from Fox News. And all in the service of a Conservative Republican agenda. In fact, the Fox News slogan, "Fair and Balanced" has been viewed as a joke for a long time. So why did Mr. Masterson ignore this perfect example of biased media? Could it be that he has a little agenda of his own?

Fox News leadership is now also revealed to be a hotbed of sexual harassment in its ugliest forms, where men in power required women to submit to their advances or see their careers destroyed. No wonder they have been all out in their support of Donald Trump, would be Groper-in-Chief.

Malcolm K. Cleaveland


What is the future for those covered by Obamacare?

With Donald Trump defying all the established norms and ascending to the presidency, one of the most important changes that may happen is the repeal of Obamacare. About 300,000 Arkansans are dependent on Obamacare to get affordable health care. Many of them may actually have voted for Mr. Trump and, in turn, to basically get rid of their own affordable health care. Isn't it ironic?

But the question remains, what will happen to these 300,000 Arkansans? Arkansas congressional delegation is not even talking about this issue. These are real people who need affordable health care. What is Arkansas' delegation and the new administration going to do with them? There are about 20 million American citizens who depend on Obamacare, and what is going to happen to them?

It is disheartening to see that these citizens could be just left hanging on their own.

Ani Marathe


When world sees Trump, they will see Americans

We as a people have chosen a new president. A person who by his own image will represent us as a people -- who we are and what we value. When the world sees him, it will see us for, we have chosen him by.

During these many months he showed us exactly who he was. No holds barred -- bullying, vulgarity, mocking someone disabled, disrespectful of citizens who have lost loved ones in war, deceit, womanizing. Nothing mattered. He's one of us, we said. And we said it loudly with our vote.

Disclosing tax returns? Not as far as he was concerned and that was OK with all the people who voted for him. He knew us better than we knew ourselves. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" A true statement of contempt if I ever heard one.

I cannot help but remember what a dear friend told me one time long ago. Anger (and anger played a large role in this election) is not the real emotion being expressed. It is fear. Deep fear. He fed into and played on that fear from the very beginning.

Ask yourself. Does this leader express intelligence, restraint under pressure, decency, respect for others, integrity, humility and generosity? He should, because that's who we think we are. Maybe we have to think again. This was, after all, a referendum on us, not him. Remember, when they see him, they will see us.

"The only thing to fear is fear itself," said Franklin Roosevelt.

Fear won!

Elaine Harrett

Bella Vista

Editorial on 11/12/2016

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