Letters to the Editor

Why Cruz is the unsung hero at GOP Convention

Ted Cruz's failure to endorse Trump has caused hysteria among the Republican Party. But Cruz should be praised for his resilience.

The primary question that needs to be asked is if it makes probable sense to voters when their candidate pushes back against everything they have originally stood for. This is why Ted Cruz is so instrumental for Republicans. Many Republicans are looking for an alternate candidate to both Trump and Clinton. While this is not seemingly possible anymore, a prominent Republican leader failing to acknowledge that Trump is even a viable alternative to Clinton is HUGE!

Many Republicans are looking to stand up against the newly Republican candidate, but feel they are betraying the Republican party by voting Hilary Clinton into office. But with Cruz standing strong, it has set the precedent that you can be against Trump and not necessarily with Clinton.

However, while Cruz did not acknowledge that Clinton is who he will be voting for in the upcoming election, I do think he made it clear that he refuses to vote for Trump. Cruz's resistance to the mainstream GOP has made him even more reliable as a candidate and has all but disrupted the "Lying Ted" pseudonym.

Furthermore, Cruz's failure to endorse Trump made a clear statement that Trump is not what he appears to be. The fact that Cruz would potentially rather see someone in office who he feels stands completely against Republican values as opposed to Trump speaks volumes to where his true allegiance lies. It would appear that Cruz has the United States of America in mind, and not the less important party division.

The most problematic characteristics of Trump are his ego, his anger and his inability to fully comprehend policy of any sort. The idea of Trump being President of the Free World is frightening since he was elected as the Republican nominee regardless of his actual knowledge on policy. He is completely un-relatable, but has gained excitement for his racist and dividing beliefs. It is completely unfair to claim that his "policies" are racist because just like Melania Trump's speech, they are written by someone else and regurgitated without understanding.

Mandy Montgomery


Enough of lies

and ignoring the law

In less than four months we will vote for a new president. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever, I assume all want an honest, trustworthy president who will uphold the Constitution. Right?

OK, consider Hillary saying under oath to Congress on email, "I did not send or receive any confidential emails through my server (which is illegal for government workers)." Now consider Bill Clinton and the attorney general just happened to meet on a private plane, dismissed all agents and spent 30 minutes alone "talking kids and golf" and not about Hillary.

Then Hillary meets with FBI agents for three-plus hours and no one knows what she said.

Then FBI Director Comey spent 10 minutes condemning her, and admitted she sent confidential and top secret email and was careless. This might be our next president? Then Comey says no charges would be filed. An hour later, Obama and Hillary had a joint fund-raiser.

Now, if you don't think this wasn't planned by the power of the establishment, I got a bridge I would like you to buy. Just try to vote for the best person in November. We don't need lies and an I'm-above-the-law president. We've had enough of this for seven years.

Al Ward

Bella Vista

Commentary on 07/23/2016

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