Don't Give Support To Puppy Mills

Puppy mills are terrible places.

With barely enough room to turn around, many puppies and dogs live their lives without one ray of sunshine in their whole entire life. The owners of the puppy mills make the moms have litters and litters and litters of puppies just so they can sell them. Please don't buy dogs or puppies from puppy mills. Adopt dogs from the animal shelter. Let dogs and puppies be free!

Nalah Villneff


Protect The Unborn Children

The Rev. [Lowell] Grisham's recent (July 27) piece was titled "Christians Called To Love Immigrant Children." His pro-abortion stance makes me wonder why he is not called to love unborn American children with equal zeal.

Those in Central America were allowed to be born while some here are denied the gift of life.

I am reminded of his gala that he titled "The Celebration of the Life of William Floyd Nathaniel Harrison" which he held on Oct. 4, 2010, in his church to honor and respect the late doctor who terminated the pregnancies of babies at his Fayetteville Woman's Clinic.

R. Stewart Tice


NW News on 08/12/2014

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