Public Viewpoint: Fire Department Staffing Raises Concerns

I recently had the opportunity to interact with the mayor and several councilmen of the city regarding the Fayetteville Fire Department having to shut down fire stations to avoid incurring overtime costs and keep within their budget. This was a situation the mayor and several of the councilmen and women proclaimed they had no knowledge of. Local fire stations were unstaffed and closed so response times for calls in the area covered by that fire station increased as the next nearest fire station had to take the call. Not what I want to have happen when a loved one needs help. Thankfully, the mayor rectified that situation upon my pointing it out while confirming that it was indeed the case.

Several neighbors and I are now planning to attend the next Ward 1 meeting on April 24 at 6 p.m. to discuss another problem; the aging fire engines and ladder trucks servicing the city. There are units with long and costly repair histories for 2013 and prior that, we need to start replacing. The amount of time these units are spending in the city shop is a bit alarming. I know because I requested maintenance and repair records via a Freedom of Information Act request. I don’t want the firemen to need to hitch a ride when their engine or ladder truck breaks down on the side of the road on their way to a 911 call I have placed.

I encourage others to start asking questions and attending ward meetings. It is our city and our elected representatives. We need to know they know what is going on in the city. If they don’t, then they will be held accountable. Hopefully that won’t entail citizens looking over the City Council and mayor’s shoulder to make sure they know what is going on in our city.




I read the letter from Richard Ivnik of Garfield (Public Viewpoint, April 15). I am stumped as to why Mr. Ivnik left Chicago for our obviously backward state of Arkansas — or any Southern state as far as that goes. I can’t believe he has actually stayed here a whole year.

I, personally, feel that if he believes it is so terrible here, he needs to return to his all-Democrat-controlled, crime-ridden, corrupt city of Chicago!



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