
OTHERS SAY: Robots work for $0 an hour

Having a cashier ring up your grocery store purchases feels like a luxury these days. Don't overlook the role rising minimum wages played in this development.

Major retailers such as Target and Walmart have replaced many checkout lanes with self-checkout kiosks. With customers doing most of the work, the company saves money. One employee can watch over four to six self-checkouts.

As The Street recently reported, this has created its own set of problems. It's easier for people to leave the store without paying for items. In the hustle-and-bustle, shoppers can "overlook" paying for an expensive item. As a result, Dollar General has gotten rid of this option in some locations. Target is limiting how many items you can scan in self-checkout lanes. Walmart is limiting some checkout lanes to members of its Walmart+ program.

Problems with self-checkout aren't the only issue Target and Walmart have in common. In recent years, both released high-profile announcements touting increases to starting worker pay.

This should be a warning sign to activists in the "Fight for $15" campaign. They have indeed seen many successes. But higher minimum wages haven't cured poverty, so they now push for even higher stricter mandates. On its website, the campaign celebrates California passing a $20 an hour minimum wage for fast-food workers.

Be careful what you wish for. California fast-food restaurants are already cutting hours and raising prices. And the experience of Target and Walmart show that higher labor costs make automation ever more affordable and desirable. Robots still work for $0 an hour.

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