OPINION | EDITORIAL: Comfortably numb

Hello? Is there anybody in there?

A  body can only imagine what Harry S. Truman would say about this. He once demanded advice from a one-armed economist, after hearing--for the upteenth time--somebody in the Dismal Science give him the old "on the one hand this, on the other hand that" advice/prediction about the economy.

The Dismal Science? Certainly. Which may be why Bloomberg's people tried to make it more interesting the other day. According to the outfit's wire report, Bloomberg Economics "has run a million simulations to assess the fragility of the debt outlook."

Whoot! Whoot! Party time at Bloomberg! Those boys know how to get down.

We can only imagine--for a few seconds, tops--how many variables have to go into the computer to get a million simulations on how the economy will manage.

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