100 years ago
Sept. 25, 1923
LAKE VILLAGE -- H. M. Henry of Collins, Ark., last night drove his Ford off the foot of Main Street into Lake Chicot. The car traveled some 40 feet from the water's edge into water about two feet deep, and never turned over. The engine stalled but a small boy waded out and cranked the car, and Mr. Henry drove up the lake and out without aid. The bank is very steep at the scene of the mishap, and those who saw it expected to see the car wrecked.
50 years ago
Sept. 25, 1973
The Red Cross will start using a new test October 1 that will reduce the danger of patients contracting hepatitis in blood transfusions. Called the "RIA Method," the technique was licensed by the federal Food and Drug Administration last year. It is said to be 100 times more sensitive to presence of B-type hepatitis than the current method of testing. The RIA method takes about 24 hours to complete, compared to an hour for the present method.
25 years ago
Sept. 25, 1998
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and the Washington Post tied for first place in the 1998 Casey Medals for Meritorious Journalism. The awards honor distinguished coverage of disadvantaged children and their families. The two newspapers tied in the large circulation newspaper category -- the Washington Post for its series on the human consequences of welfare reform; the Democrat-Gazette for its investigation of the state's juvenile justice system.
10 years ago
Sept. 25, 2013
Audience members who attended a Tuesday night chamber music concert titled "Brahms the Romantic" to hear Johannes Brahms' b-minor Clarinet Quintet got not only a nonpareil performance of that work but also a couple of bonuses in the Arkansas Symphony's River Rhapsodies Chamber Series curtain-raiser at Little Rock's Clinton Presidential Center. Clarinetist Lyle Wong and the orchestra's Rockefeller Quartet -- new first violinist Trisha McGovern, with Geoffrey Robson sitting second; Katherine Reynolds, viola; and Daniel Cline, cello -- were superb, bringing Brahms' lush, rich, autumnal harmonies to life. For most of the piece, Wong was more integrated into the ensemble than a solo player, which was no small accomplishment for that piece. The evening's first bonus was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's two-viola String Quintet No. 3 in C major, K.515, played by what was essentially an orchestra pick-up ensemble -- Algimantas Staskevicius and Robson, violins; Ryan Mooney and Tatiana Kotcherguina, viola; and Rafael Leon, cello.