Garden guests get in spirit

Laura Stilwell (from left), LeAnn Lee(cq), Kathleen Holloway, Kathy Launder and Elaine Dominguez, Botanical Garden of the Ozarks volunteers, help out at the Firefly Fling Festival on July 15 at the garden in Fayetteville.
(NWA Democrat-Gazette/Carin Schoppmeyer)
Laura Stilwell (from left), LeAnn Lee(cq), Kathleen Holloway, Kathy Launder and Elaine Dominguez, Botanical Garden of the Ozarks volunteers, help out at the Firefly Fling Festival on July 15 at the garden in Fayetteville. (NWA Democrat-Gazette/Carin Schoppmeyer)

Children and adults alike got in the spirit of the Firefly Fling Festival on July 15, becoming faeries, dragons, sprites, butterflies, pirates, superheroes, mermaids and other mystical beings for the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks annual event in Fayetteville.

The family-friendly festival included community partner booths with interactive activities and nature-related displays, such as live insects, an observation bee hive, a worm farm, a goat petting zoo, seed bomb making and fairy house building, organizers say. Fling photo-ops gave children a chance to pose with "roaming magical stilt walkers, real-life fairies, mermaids and pirates and even a unicorn."

The evening's entertainment included a performance by Candy Lee for "Backyard Bugs," story time with animals with Jennifer Brinkley, a Katie Dwyer kids' concert and JukeBoxx.

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