
OPINION | ART HOBSON: Acknowledging history of Gaza, Ukraine key to understanding today’s wars

America, world ignore history at their peril

The United States is heavily invested in two major wars. Either one could spiral out of control and turn nuclear.

As United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres puts it, these conflicts "did not happen in a vacuum." The Gaza war was sparked by the unforgivable Oct. 7 Hamas attack on civilians, but it had a historical context that is still largely ignored.

After that attack, a few reporters looked at its context. One article, headlined "Israeli settlers terrorize West Bank Palestinians," appeared in these pages on Nov. 13.

Palestine is separated into the West Bank and Gaza, run by different governments and separated by 30 miles. One problem for the 3 million West Bank Palestinians is that they co-exist with 500,000 Jewish settlers, 144 settlements and 100 illegal Israeli "outposts."

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