OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Right woman for job | Why we all must vote | The need for police

Right woman for job

Why should I support Sarah Sanders? Lots of reasons.

I trust her because I know who she is and what she stands for. We've watched her grow up right before our eyes. We have seen her wisdom and composure during hostile press conferences. She has good genes and great values.

Her stance against legalizing recreational marijuana would be enough to earn my vote, but every conservative value that she espouses rings true with me. Sarah is someone I can trust with my beloved state's welfare and my precious grandchildren's future.

She is intelligent and knowledgeable about the issues and processes to get things done. She not only speaks well, but the words that come from her are her own, honest and spontaneous. She knows who she is and where her gifts belong.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a woman for such a time as this.



Why we all must vote

Bad things happen when good people do not vote. In recent elections, only half of eligible voters turned out. That has allowed a small group of extremist Republicans to pass laws in our state that benefit their donors, not the rest of us.

Here are a few examples: If you care enough about climate change to purchase a car with fewer carbon emissions (hybrid or electric), they passed a law to charge you an extra tax. If you are worried about gun violence, too bad. Our state legislators have made it easier for people to bring guns into public places such as universities. If you are wealthy, you will receive the largest tax break in state history, but no raises for teachers and, by the way, if you are low-income your tax break is about $60. If you care about social justice and voting rights, Arkansas lawmakers passed a law making voting more difficult and gerrymandered districts to dilute the vote. For example, Pulaski County was carved into three congressional districts! This knocked communities of color out of the 2nd Congressional District, making a Republican win a given for the next 10 years.

But we can change all that if everyone registers to vote, and votes. Tell your friends and family to register and vote. Last day to register is Oct. 11. Do it now. We can take our state back!


Little Rock

The need for police

Re "A third way" guest column by Robert Maranto, Wilfred Reilly and Mattie Harris: An eye-opener. Clearly there is a third way. Not identified in the essay is the area per 100,000 citizens. Little Rock is far more spread-out than New York City, thus the need for a police department of 628 per 100,000 is every bit as great as the current 359 per 100,000. The new mayor should campaign on this issue. Kudos to the current 359.


Little Rock

Made argument well

Re governor's race: Every voting Arkansan should read Rick Armellini's letter in Monday's paper.


Fairfield Bay

So, let's blame Biden

It seems as though every time I turn on the TV there's Sarah Sanders blaming President Biden for inflation. This troubles me because apparently Ms. Sanders doesn't know the basics of economics. That's not good when you are hoping to be governor.

So let's revisit the basics of supply and demand. When supply is high relative to demand, economies recess. When supply is low relative to demand, economies inflate. We always like stability where demand and supply grow in proportion with each other. However, environmental variables can upset the equilibrium. Remember covid? Overnight a novel virus took over our economy. Its impact was exacerbated by the previous administration's mishandling of the response. We failed to get ahead of the virus' spread so the impact was prolonged and intense. The previous administration packed the economy full of money, hoping to keep it in equilibrium, at least until the election.

The result: Businesses used the money to reduce their workforces. Many households became flush with cash because they had fewer options for spending. Then, as the pandemic started to ease, we instantly had low supply and pent-up demand. Cap that off with supply-chain headaches brought on by years of unchecked free-market greed where exportation of jobs was the key to padding profits and avoiding taxes. Boom! The perfect inflation storm. Joe Biden had very little to do with how we got here, but what he has done will begin to bring jobs back and ensure a better future. The Federal Reserve has the only real lever against inflation and is using it to control the flow of money. It's a crude instrument, but it will work.

Ms. Sanders, please. I thought you were running against Chris Jones, not President Biden. If I were you, I wouldn't want to mention Mr. Jones by name either. He's a physicist, nuclear engineer, urban planner, and he has a plan for Arkansas. But you ... well, you worked for Mr. Trump. So you have that going for you.


North Little Rock

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