Happy birthday Jan. 17: It's one of your luckiest years. You will put something in the world that didn't exist before. You'll turn up the heat on your physical fitness goals. Strength training that works your body and mind will get you ready for the opportunities ahead. You'll take achievement over comfort and stretch into a new role.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Confusing communication is an opportunity to sleuth your way to the truth, or something close to it. The story is an argument, and the argument is a story.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You are duty-bound, though this is a loyalty of your own making. You decided what was required, and you will fulfill it. An independent mission such as this is the stuff of vitality.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21): Your choices are clear. You can either fall back asleep to dream another dream, or you can get out the pen and paper and start hashing out the original dream. Start with a to-do list.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): In a good relationship, there is no such thing as a winner and a loser. If one person is losing, you both are. You have to be on the same team or it won't work.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Not everyone is bound to a civic calendar. You'll have to work out scheduling, and the ins and outs of school and business will be considered. You'll find a way to fit in what's important to you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Persistence often wins out. Though tenacity is the hallmark of many successful people, most successful people also know when to back off and let the other person come forward.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): You know how to make yourself useful, but if you make this your default, you'll only get, well... used! You're a person, too. You deserve pleasure as much as anyone. Your No. 1 responsibility is to enjoy yourself.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): You've been considering a move, and you'll make it very soon. Get ready. There's an element of self-discipline involved in the ramp-up. You have it in you. Get in motion and you'll find it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Decisiveness is attractive. Vacillation makes people nervous. Sometimes you want people to be nervous, but not now. You'll decide one way or the other and take action; this carries you into a happy mood.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You have a passion for understanding. This will not be shared by 90% of the people you know, yet you won't be lonely in it. Your curiosity is mighty fine company.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Maybe it's better not to ask people what they meant by something after the fact. So much life goes by every hour. Memory fails. Instead, be very present in the moment of discernment, which is to say now, always now.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You can pretend to be someone you'd like to be, but who you really are is lovelier to the right crowd. The right crowd should include yourself. Self-acceptance is the supporter of all change.


It is said that a wolf howls more on an empty stomach. The full moon in January is a Duran Duran song, a wild call and an omen for a weather change both emotional and environmental. The full moon in Cancer, the sign of home, is also an encouragement to stock up with the nourishment to feed the soul.


Q: "Me: June 18, 1979. Boyfriend (of six months): May 4, 1978. We are planning to get married next year. So far, everything is going really well in our relationship, but marriage scares me. What do you think of our match?"

A: The most convincing case for your love connection is made by your shared Venus in Gemini and moon in Aries. Your relationship will be like a page-turner of a novel, exciting and suspenseful, the drama driving ever-forward. Both signs are youthful, so this love story never grows old. You may look and feel younger and more alive when you're together! Your shared Venus gives an ability to smooth the rough edges, to easily maneuver through the tight spots implied in any coupling, handy for your Aries moon connection, a mixed blessing as it doubles the potential for both positive and negative Aries traits. This is only a problem when you're stressed out, impatient or irritable at the same time! Otherwise, you share warrior-like optimism and courage, perfect for meeting challenges in the same way.


Attorney, author and former first lady Michelle Obama is a Capricorn who well understands the sacrifices necessary to achieve a dream. Capricorns are famously ambitious, hardworking and in tune to matters of power and position. An intuitive Pisces moon and Venus in Pisces as well indicate that Obama has a strong spiritual connection with her loved ones and a highly developed sixth sense.

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