Super Quiz: American Folklore

  1. Washington Irving popularized this Italian explorer who "found" a "New World."
  2. The traditional site of the landing of the Mayflower Pilgrims.
  3. One account quoted him as saying, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
  4. This frontiersman became known as "King of the Wild Frontier."
  5. She is widely credited with making the first U.S. flag.
  6. This railroad worker was a "steel-driving man."
  7. This nickname was given to a woman said to have carried water to men on the battlefield.
  8. Name given to a folkloric ape-like creature of the Pacific Northwest region.
  9. As a Titanic survivor, Margaret Brown was posthumously given this nickname.


  1. Christopher Columbus
  2. Plymouth Rock
  3. Patrick Henry
  4. Davy Crockett
  5. Betsy Ross
  6. John Henry
  7. Molly Pitcher
  8. Bigfoot (sasquatch)
  9. "The Unsinkable Molly Brown"

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