Horoscopes by Holiday

Happy birthday (June 29): The old pattern will not be interrupted so much as erased clean for an entirely new picture. It starts as things do — with the glance of attraction. Choices get made and repeated, habits formed, relationships solidified.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): When you like someone, you naturally and effortlessly key in to what that person is feeling and doing. It seems part of you has been on the mission a while already without notifying your conscious awareness.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Judgment is negativity at best, hatred at worst. Don't bother with it, as even offering the lighter shades of judgment (criticism, opinions and preferences) will only dim your light. Dwell in love.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21): Just maybe, if everyone had a victory at the same time, there would still be enough to go around. At the very least, believing this makes you a happier and more attractive person.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): To stray from your goals just means one thing — that you're human. Being hard on yourself is not a solution. Instead, with an attitude of curiosity and gentleness, try different tactics until you find one that works.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): It's wonderful when a loved one wins. You'll feel as though you've also won. But the highlight will really be helping a relationship flourish by honoring and supporting one another's vulnerabilities.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): We become so familiar with our own struggles that it often takes the observations of outsiders for us to see the key hang-ups. Consider calling an "open house" on your problem and entertaining other views.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): The things worth owning can't be owned. The best you can do is give into them. Surrender to the sublime evanescence of a moment and experience the feeling of being more than alive.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): You want to know what it takes to be more like your admired models, so you copy them. You're not trying to be someone you're not; you're just learning through the action of mimicry, which is existence's premier educational tool.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The person who points out your mistake is the best teacher. This person isn't trying to be a generous and good teacher, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you're better for it.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You don't have to bother keeping up with a vigilant defense when your lifestyle already supports the most powerful version of you. By constantly building your strength and positivity, you become spiritual titanium.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Anyone who requires your patience is a gift to your life. This includes slow cashiers, irritating drivers and noncompliant children. The same timing that resists your influence is an invitation to an expanded moment.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What people are calling an invention is actually a combination of elements that already existed somewhere other than the new usage. You're in an inventive mood now, too. What can you combine?


At the top of the food chain, the lion has a lifestyle of pursuit. To hunt is not an undertaking; it is a defining characteristic and a core drive. In these first days of Venus, as the ruler of the jungle, the growl of hunger comes not from the stomach but the heart. It will soon develop into something different, maybe a roar, or a skillful, silent chase.


The road to maturity involves becoming an increasingly adept parent to oneself. See the archives for parts 1-6. Virgos have a natural gift for self-parenting and may notice from a very young age that they seem to be figuring life out on their own terms without much need of interference from their older guides. Virgos have a clear view of what’s right, sensible, healthy, productive and holistically sound. This is the sign of nurturing and many Virgos can turn that instinct in on themselves to facilitate their own thriving.

The danger for Virgo is in being overly vigilant. Virgo has leanings toward perfectionism that if left unchecked and lead to neurosis. These can be counteracted by irresponsible influences. Virgo needs an Oscar for their Felix, a Bart to their Lisa, an Ernie to their Bert, a Dharma to their Greg. In other words, Virgo sometimes needs to be reminded to be selfish and childish, to have fun, take risks, make mistakes and turn the whole thing into a mess. After all, no one can be a really good parent without a child.


With over a hundred film credits, Gary Busey has been known to play a lunatic or two on screen, true to the name of his ruling luminary. In folklore, la Luna causes mysterious behaviors — ah, luna-cy! With four luminaries in moon-ruled Cancer, Busey gets a big dose of this mysterious, complex, highly artistic, soulful and ever-changing energy. Listen for his voicing of John C. Calhoun in the documentary “The Gettysburg Address.”

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