Letters to the editor

Lawmakers illustrate ignorance is a choice

All humans are equally of the same species and inherit a cornucopia of genes that have evolved from the beginnings of life on earth. Consequently, all of us are individuals because the genetic soup that makes us is so complex, but several things are common to us all. We did not choose our pigmentation, our facial appearance, size, gender, sexual orientation, talents, intelligence, personality, etc., and the list goes far beyond that.

But one thing we do choose, somewhat loosely, is whether or not we remain ignorant. We are all ignorant at birth. We become less ignorant as we grow and learn. Perhaps being capable of free thought is genetic, but I am convinced that it is a combination of nature and nurture. Regardless, we individually make the choice somewhere along our path of development to either shed ignorance or to maintain it and allow it to thicken over time.

This current state Legislature is a case in point. From one ignorant bill to another the Republican majority continues to exhibit a level of ignorance that surpasses anything I ever read about in high school government class or college political science. They act as though they were elected to serve on the church Sunday School committee rather than as representatives or senators. And while they dither about things that is really none of their business, the majority of the people in this state need help.

When the backlash comes, and it will, this bunch of nannies will shake their collective heads and mutter, "Must be God's will," or blame it on "legislation from the bench."

Third-world countries have to deal with religious fundamentalists making law, but do we? Former governor Mike Huckabee must have been prophetic years ago when he nationally referred to Arkansas as a "banana republic."

William Faulkner supposedly responded to an interviewer when asked what he thought about Christianity: "I think Christianity is a fine religion. Folks ought to try it sometime."

Sine die, for goodness sakes!

Sam Emerson


A nation in distress marked by U.S. flag

It is evident by Michael Darling's letter that he did not research flag display before penning his missive. According to World Book encyclopedia, an American flag should not be displayed upside down except in the case of a serious emergency or to signal distress.

As the daughter of a 95-year-old World War II Navy veteran, I am very patriotic, but I understand why this person chooses to display an upside-down flag. I, too, am greatly distressed by what is happening to our great nation.

Kim Sanders


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