Super Quiz: Collections

  1. A bound collection of maps.

  2. Term for a collection of stars.

  3. Term for a collection of selected literary passages.

  4. A collection of islands in a sea.

  5. Uncle __ is the fictional narrator of a collection of African American folktales.

  6. A collection of written laws and principles as a guide for government.

  7. An institution devoted to the collection and display of objects of lasting interest.

  8. A large collection of wild animals.

  9. What is the occupation of a person who takes care of a museum or library collection?


  1. Atlas

  2. Constellation

  3. Anthology

  4. Archipelago

  5. Remus

  6. Constitution

  7. Museum

  8. Menagerie

  9. Curator

MovieStyle on 10/11/2019

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