Helpful Hints

DEAR HELOISE: Years ago, my grandmother told me a few things to do before I began a new recipe. First, read the recipe completely before beginning. Read it at least twice. Check to make certain you have all the ingredients on hand. If this is the first time you're making a dish, do everything exactly as the recipe is written. You can experiment at a later date.

-- Christy H., Mississippio

DEAR READERS: Here's a question for you. Ready-made, self-rising pancake flour was first introduced in what year?

a. 1895

b. 1900

c. 1921

d. 1889

Pancake mix was developed in 1889. If you picked "d." you were correct.

DEAR HELOISE: Please reprint your Chinese Beets recipe.

-- Robin K. Oregon

DEAR READERS: My parents lived in China in the early '40s, and my mother brought this recipe home. You'll need:

6 cups cooked, sliced beets, or 3 (16-ounce) cans sliced beets

1 cup sugar

1 cup vinegar

2 tablespoons cornstarch

24 whole cloves (this makes it strong, so try 12 to start with)

3 tablespoons ketchup

3 tablespoons cooking oil (optional)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Dash of salt

Drain the beets, reserving 11/2 cups of the beet liquid. Place the beets in a medium saucepan with the reserved liquid and remainder of the ingredients. Mix well and cook for 3 minutes over medium heat or until the mixture thickens. Let it cool, then store in the refrigerator.

DEAR READERS: Spinach has often been called a "superfood" because of its outstanding health benefits. It contains a rich amount of vitamins K and A, manganese folate and iron, as well as vitamins B2 and B6. Lutein is a nutrient also found in spinach and helps prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. Spinach contains antioxidants, which help prevent cell damage that could lead to cancer and premature aging. It is a nutritional powerhouse for your body, and adding it to your salads with a sprinkle of lemon juice not only tastes great, but benefits you in so many ways.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

[email protected]

Food on 11/13/2019

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