
Deepak Chopra: Symposium will promote dialogue, shared vision

The Sages and Scientists 2019 Symposium, happening Nov. 14-17 at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, brings to town New York Times best-selling author Deepak Chopra. His most recent book, "Meta Human," offers "longtime followers of Chopra's work ... new, exciting ideas to unravel," says Publishers Weekly.

So might the symposium, which Chopra says "is a catalyst for our work to improve global well-being trends and reveal the future of integrative health, humanity and the cosmos."


Sages and Scientists


WHEN — Nov. 14-17

WHERE — Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville

COST — $5,000

INFO — sagesandscientists.…

FYI — “Meta Human: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential” is available at all major retailers. List price is $24.30.

Chopra answered these questions via email for What's Up!

Q. What inspired the first Sages and Scientists Symposium? And what were your goals in creating the series?

A. The inspiration has always been to promote dialogue between scientists, philosophers, humanitarians and thought leaders in diverse fields. When there is shared vision, emotional bonding, diversity of opinion and skills and expertise, then creative solutions for big problems spontaneously emerge.

Q. What do you hope participants take away from this symposium?

A. My hope is that every participant will leave energized and inspired for personal and social transformation.

Q. What do you do in your personal life to "practice what you preach"?

A. I meditate and practice yoga daily for at least two hours. I sleep eight hours every night, I eat healthy food, and I enjoy fulfilling personal and social relationships.

Q. What do you believe happens to our spirits when our bodies die? And is there a way we can influence that process for the best possible outcome?

A. If by spirit you mean fundamental reality as consciousness, that enables the experience of mind, body and world, then consciousness incubates and recycles and evolves as new modes of knowing and experience. You can influence the process by waking up to your true identity which is the witnessing of awareness of which mind, body, and changing world. The only way to influence anything is to be fully awake to conscious choices in the present moment.

-- Becca Martin-Brown

[email protected]



NAN What's Up on 11/10/2019

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