Bone density testing best for females 65+

A bone density test uses a low dose of X-rays in a quick, noninvasive way to measure the amount of calcium and other minerals in a segment of bone, usually the hips and spine. By identifying decreases in bone mineral density, it alerts health care providers to a person's risk of osteoporosis.

Most young, healthy people do not need a bone density test. But risk for osteoporosis increases with age because bone density tends to decrease. That is especially true in women. If you're a woman 65 or older, a bone density test is recommended. Even if testing reveals your bone health is good, this test can be a baseline measurement for future testing.

For men without fractures, the answer isn't quite as clear. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force doesn't recommend routine bone density testing for men. Because men have a higher bone mass and lose bone more slowly than women, they're at a lower risk of fracture. There's also no conclusive evidence that osteoporosis drugs prevent fractures in men.

However, up to 1 in 4 men over 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. Groups such as the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommend testing for men 70 and older.

Men 50-69 and women under 65 also might want testing if they have risk factors including a family history of the osteoporosis or a history of fractures. And certain kinds of drugs can interfere with the body's process of rebuilding bone. Example include steroids, such as prednisone, and immunosuppressant medications, such as those taken after an organ or bone marrow transplant.

Bone density test results are reported in a measurement called the "T-score." A T-score of minus 1 or higher is normal. A score of minus 2.5 or lower means osteoporosis. The range between normal and osteoporosis is osteopenia, a condition that puts a person at higher risk for developing osteoporosis. Osteopenia also raises the risk for breaking a bone.

ActiveStyle on 07/15/2019

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