Helpful Hints

DEAR HELOISE: I found that after I open a tub of ice cream, if I turn the carton upside down in the freezer, ice does not form on top of the ice cream.

-- Renee K., Michigan

DEAR HELOISE: Does warm milk really make people sleepy? It seems to have no effect on me.

-- Allan V., Yorktown, N.Y.

DEAR READER: Allan, because milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid, people assume it will make them fall asleep. However, you would have to drink a gallon and a half to feel any effect from the tryptophan. There is an ongoing debate about whether warm milk makes a person sleepy or if it's merely the power of suggestion.

DEAR HELOISE: You had a quick French Onion Soup recipe, and it was terrific for working women who have a hungry family and very little time to prepare a decent meal. Could you reprint that for me?

-- Jo Ann B., Hartsville, S.C.

DEAR READER: Readers, if you find you have extra onions in the fridge that may not get used up quickly enough, try this recipe for Quickie French Onion Soup.

Select as many onions as you want. Peel, slice and saute onions for a few minutes until brown. Put cooked onions into a saucepan. Add a package or two of instant onion soup mix and the right amount of water, according to the package. Simmer for a few minutes and serve with grated cheese on top.

DEAR HELOISE: Before too long, the family and I will be on some camping trips, but these outings ruin my food budget with all the "extras" the kids enjoy, as well as my husband. Any hints on how to work this out?

-- Ada T., Golden, Colo.

DEAR READER: Ada, every payday, or when you find you have a little extra cash, buy some of the things your family loves on a camping trip, such as canned nuts or a little of this and that, which you can hide and not use until you go camping. Always take along enough food for the trip.

DEAR HELOISE: It's damp here in the Florida Keys, so how do I keep my saltshakers from clogging up?

-- Joyce in the Florida Keys

DEAR READER: Joyce, just add some rice to your saltshakers and you won't have that problem. Also, place saltshakers in a cupboard rather than having them sit out.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

[email protected]

Food on 01/09/2019

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