
Pickleball picking up

Thank you for the great article on pickleball by Sean Clancy that was in Tuesday's paper. Seniors are really rallying to the sport.

Here on the north side, what started out with eight people two years ago has grown to 80 who play whenever they can get the indoor court at the Patrick Henry Hays Senior Citizens Center. North Little Rock has also marked off additional courts in two of its community centers and at an outdoor court in Idlewild Park.


North Little Rock

Raise librarians' pay

Gov. Asa Hutchinson authorized big salary increases for some of his state officials. Librarian salaries are a library-by-library determination, but Governor Hutchinson could influence the general direction. That direction should be for higher salaries for librarians.

Qualified librarians are essential to the educational growth of Arkansas. Arkansas should budget more to support libraries. State funding for a share of library capital and operating expenses would free up local funds for salary expenses.

This is a win-win for all. Our citizens, counties, cities, libraries and librarians would benefit. Governor Hutchinson should put his full support behind this recommendation.


Mountain Home

Idea worth sharing

Our society seems to be so divided. Individuals and political parties are at each other's throats; policymakers pass divisive exclusionary laws, and increasingly instead of finding commonality we draw lines that separate "us'" from "those others."

A single sentence of wisdom from my friend Darshan seems to strike the exactly right cautionary note for each of us, and I thought it worth sharing: "The rules and policies we establish or permit for the borders of our country, community, home place, or heart are exactly the same we meet at the gates of our heaven."



Editorial on 08/24/2019

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