Compassion can be in eyes of beholder

Compassion is an overused and misused word. Emily Cassidy’s letter (Nov. 29) is a good example. She demands what she wants then tells politicians to work it out for her. If she wants to show compassion for Latino migrants headed this way I suggest she rent a van, go to the border and take a family home from among those who want to enter the U.S.A. Letters to a newspaper is not, in my opinion, “compassion.”

Generations of foreigners have entered the country legally, went about learning the language, assimilated, then became citizens. That’s not too much to ask. If their country stinks, stay and fix it for future generations. Even the Hollywood crowd does that. They threaten to leave but they never do.

And for those worried about the future of their kids and grandkids, science is now able to play with genetics, which may have an effect on their kids, too. Further, several bioethicists are now wanting to give parental rights to kill children if said parents can’t afford to raise them or don’t want their DNA shared with anyone. One of the “bios” is at Princeton.

Did you read the article on the editorial page (Nov. 30) about Belgium’s legalized euthanasia program? It sounds like something out of Adolf Hitler’s playbook.

Kinda makes calling Trump names seem unimportant.


Bella Vista

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