
Maybe this solution

How about this for a possible solution to the hog farm near the Buffalo River?

Offer to trade out their hog-feeding permit for a medical marijuana grow permit, allow the pigs currently on site to grow out, gradually replacing their space with indoor marijuana grow operations.

God knows there is probably enough natural fertilizer in those two ponds on site to grow some pretty potent weed, and everybody's happy!


North Little Rock

Buy out that factory

Much has appeared in the pages of the Democrat-Gazette concerning the confined feeding site near Jasper. I do not call this a farm, for it does not embody what one traditionally envisions with that word. This is a factory operation, albeit with living creatures, but a factory in reality. This factory never should have been allowed to set up operations in its present location and I believe it would not have if the proper protocol had been followed, but that's another letter.

It would seem the primary concern in shutting this probable environmental disaster is the livelihood of the owners. I have to question how you balance the income of three owners against the well-being, livelihood and enjoyment of the hundreds of people who make a living off the Buffalo River and the thousands of people who flock to its waters for fun and relaxation.

I don't think anyone can argue with the fact the operation is in the wrong place or that the owners would suffer monetarily. So if this is all about money (as most things unfortunately are these days), let us find a way to remedy the situation.

Mike Masterson has been a vocal critic since the beginning. I challenge you, Mr. Masterson, to start a fund to buy out C&H. If every person who has ever recreated on the Buffalo contributes just $5 to $10, the fund would be huge. I am confident that with your wide readership you could present a check to C&H that would not only put a smile on their faces, but enable them to "farm" piggies in a more suitable location.



Plan for DACA kids

We have to save the DACA kids. We have educated them, cared for them, and integrated them into the fabric of American life. Frankly, we need them in the work force. As the cost of saving them, we should go ahead and give the president his "wall." It is a small price to pay.

It will take a year to complete the site survey, engineering and design work. By 2020 there will be cost overruns, bribes, and kickbacks. It will be a bigger stink than Teapot Dome.

The "wall" is a twofer for us Democrats. We save the DACA kids and the Republicans hand us a political scandal we can hit them over the head with in the next presidential election. The investigations will be nonstop while we elect a Democratic president and Congress.


North Little Rock

Why take that abuse?

Wonderful picture of Sen. Cory Booker in Wednesday's paper. Makes me question why anyone should have to sit there and take such abuse. Donald Trump would not beat up on someone who could not fight back.


Little Rock

Senator knows better

The words of our president were mean and ignorant. The actions of our senator were appalling.

My father was a military officer, veteran of three wars and a POW. My mother was a war refugee. They never spoke the way our president spoke, and taught me to stand up to evil. I remember hearing my relatives use racial epithets and I asked my father why. He said they did not know any better.

Maybe Donald Trump does not know, but our senator does. There is no excuse for his refusal to speak truth. What would MLK say, WWJD?



Who's the hater here

Gene Mason believes Republicans are trying to cut back funding for FEMA because they hate former President Jimmy Carter. I believe only a leftist liberal hates.

Jimmy Carter was most likely the nicest person that ever was elected. His policies, however, were near the bottom. The Republicans are not the haters.

Could be that FEMA spends and wastes money like there is no end to printing money; $20 trillion in the red, the swamp must be drained.

I rarely read letters from Gene, Steve Wheeler, Julia Randle, 90 percent of Hot Springs Village, Bella Vista--leftists always bashing Tom Cotton and Donald Trump and all conservatives because they don't give the Dems everything they ask for.



But that makes sense

Why can't they just pass one bill to fund the government and then move on to the next issue?


Little Rock

Inverse must be valid

Opponents of abortion rights argue that medical personnel who believe abortion is immoral should not be forced to perform abortions. If such an argument is valid, then the inverse argument must also be valid. Medical personnel who believe abortion is moral and medically necessary in a particular case should not be prohibited from performing an abortion.



About liberal agenda

With all the letters concerning Tom Cotton lying, it makes me wonder, could it be possible he is telling the truth? Perhaps, but that just would not fit the liberal agenda, would it?

Democrats, get over yourselves. It has gotten really old.


Poplar Grove

Editorial on 01/23/2018

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