Letters to the Editor

Letter a shining example involving a pot, kettle

If I had not known better (by reading some of her previous letters), I would have sworn the opening paragraph of Coralie Koonce's Feb. 12 letter was written by a conservative discussing liberal tenets. I am amazed how one can disparage another party with her views while at the same time practicing what she is accusing them of in her own letter. That takes talent!

According to the writer, the right is guilty of hypocrisy, illogical rationalizations, huge generalizations and substitution of insults for arguments.

Some recent examples, all contained within the letter writer's letter.

• "Twelve universities from Mexico to Chile had universities established before Harvard was established in 1636." What the heck does that have to do with anything (illogical rationalization).

• "Republicans, who control all three branches of the government, are in the best position to control Newspeak." Newspeak -- a brainwashing language used by an all-powerful regime in the fictitious novel 1984. Actually, and this is my own opinion, the media is in the best position to control Newspeak (illogical rationalization).

• "Trump in his first year has already outdone Obama's eight years of executive orders." While true that Trump has outdone Obama in his first year, most of his executive orders have been to repeal Obama's executive orders. He has not outdone eight years of Obama's executive orders. So, I will add another despicable trait to the ones above that supposedly the right uses but the letter writer definitely employs (outright lie/false information).

• "Our president may be sleazy and racist" (insults for arguments) along with "Strangely enough, for so important a sin, the word abortion never appears in the Bible."

• The writer is correct the word abortion is not in the Bible. However, being a devout Christian, there is one teeny tiny little commandment that makes the word abortion obsolete for me, and that is "Thou shall not kill." (Another illogical rationalization.)

• And yet another, He uses filthy language and has to pay off porn stars. Oh my, I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut that everyone who subscribes to the "Trump has a dirty mouth" axiom believes Howard Stern, Amy Schumer and Kathy Griffin are all hilarious (hypocrisy).

• Lastly, forget about the CrossCheck voter suppression, gerrymandering, squelched recount and Russian intrusions. Please provide proof (huge generalization).

So, in closing, yes, he is our elected president and yes, get over it and help move our country forward.

Until then, and I am not misusing Orwell's concept, writers like these will continue to be a favorite doubleplusgood duckspeaker of the left.

Alan Roy


Commentary on 02/17/2018

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