NWA Letters to the Editor: "Why are the taxpayers paying county attorney?"

Ideas on reservations at table a little broad

In her recent column "We are family," Leslie Belden, who writes well and is always interesting, tells us who qualifies for membership in the family of God. Everyone, she assures us. "Regardless of our faith background ... all of the people all over the world, are one family."

We agree that God is the Creator of all, whether or not "all" acknowledge that. But Rev. Belden is obviously referring to something beyond that, that "some day, we'll all sit around the family table with our Father ... ."

No doubt these are welcome, comforting words for some. But they are not true. They certainly do not express what the Bible, God's word, tells us. And what Rev. Belden assures us raises some questions. Assuming she is not speaking of the present generation only, but that "all" people includes the generations past. Are mass murderers Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao included in the family, not to mention the Neros, the ungodly down through the ages, and ISIS, who will make you a head shorter for mentioning the crucified, risen Christ. Are Muslims and Buddhists who have their own gods also in God's family? As she is a Presbyterian pastor, we must assume that Belden, speaking of "God," must be referring to the Judeo-Christian God of the Scriptures, and of Jesus Christ, in whom the above-mentioned faiths and others do not believe. Are they and the very vocal atheists among us pleased to be told they also will be a Christ's table?

To select only several of many things said by Jesus, who should, we presume, be the very source of Christian faith, He is on record as saying to certain religious leaders that if they denied Him, they would "die in their sins." He said there is but one "road" or way to the Father, and that He is that Way. He told some of them that, far from having God as their Father, they were in fact members of someone else's family, and He even named their "father." He spoke of two "gates," one "narrow" and leading to life, the other "wide" and used by the majority, leading to quite another destination. And I hesitate to even imagine what their "table" will be like.

I write these things to speak for the faith of many readers of this paper, probably not a majority to be sure, but a sizable number, a minority who honor the Scriptures, actually read them and study them. For in them they find the true directions to the Father's table. And they, though unworthy like the writer of this letter, can make their table reservations in advance.

Harold B. Chilton


Why are the taxpayers paying county attorney?

It is of little interest to me what the final decision is regarding land owner Terry Presley's application for a wedding site on their Washington County property. It is of keen interest, though, when the county attorney advocates hiring outside counsel to (1) advise as the relative merit of further legal action and (2) to handle the appeal should he/she determine it to be meritorious.

What are we paying County Attorney Brian Lester for? One would assume the above is just the sort of "day-to-day duties" that fall within his job description. And not to be able to even venture an opinion on the advisability of further litigation? I find that ridiculous.

Tim Buckley


Commentary on 04/27/2018

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