Letters to the Editor

Americans leaving

sad legacy on abortion

Too many Americans, including Christians, have become complacent on a moral issue that perhaps will be the most dismal legacy of the last two to three generations -- the issue of abortion, the killing of innocent human life in the womb.

Do we not hear the cries of over 58 million aborted babies in America since 1973? Or is it easier to soothe the conscience by thinking this "is beyond my pay grade," or saying, "I personally wouldn't do/condone this, but who am I to say it's wrong for someone else?" Can we confuse claims about truth with moral preferences -- like choosing which flavor of ice cream we prefer?

So this leads to other "uncomfortable" questions. What is the unborn -- is it a valuable little human being? If one says no, then what is the response to recent scientific research clearly stating that human life begins at conception? And if it is a human baby from the beginning -- whatever the size or degree of development -- would it ever be OK to kill a baby in the womb? Doesn't the baby have any rights? How you and I answer those questions speaks volumes about our moral values.

Please understand me, we should not react unlovingly or unfairly to those men and women who have been involved with an abortion. Why? For each of us there is the good news of grace, forgiveness, and "now no condemnation in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1) through repentance for any mistake or sin we've committed in the past. We are all lost and in need of a Savior. Luke 19:10 is great news when Jesus proclaims, "I came to seek and save what was lost."

In light of this, there are other questions we should consider. How long will we be complicit and stay silent about this sad legacy? How long will we not hold politicians, judges, and spiritual leaders accountable for not defunding Planned Parenthood, not making common sense and constitutional decisions, and not speaking the truth or saying more than the occasional theological "sound bite?" Maybe it starts with our hearts and holding ourselves accountable. To be certain, I believe God will.

Don Eckard


Congress should pass

the Dream Act of 2017

Christian faith shares a commitment, together with many other religious traditions, to welcoming the stranger, standing with the vulnerable, and loving our neighbor. It is because of these values that I call on Congress to act immediately to protect Dreamers, the young people who grew up in Arkansas undocumented.

Our members of Congress must act to pass the Dream Act of 2017. When President Trump terminated the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, he threw the lives of the nearly 800,000 immigrants that that program protects into uncertainty. If Congress does not act, Dreamers will soon be in danger of losing their work authorizations or even being deported.

Throughout Scripture, people of all faiths find clear instructions to show mercy and hospitality to immigrants, providing the same welcome that we ourselves would hope for. As Americans, we live in a country built in large part by the hard work, dreams and determination of generations of immigrants. Leaving DACA recipients and other Dreamers in limbo violates our nation's values and sends a message of exclusion to immigrant youth, many of whom know no other country but the United States.

I have grave concerns about proposals to attach harmful immigration enforcement increases to relief for Dreamers. Dreamers are human beings, not bargaining chips to ransom for harsher enforcement or more spending on border security. That's why I'm advocating for all of us to call on our members of Congress for a swift and clean passage of the Dream Act of 2017.

The Rev. Clint Schnekloth


Commentary on 11/03/2017

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