Fight the Russians: Don’t vote by computer

Loose lips sink ships. That was our World War II motto. I propose a new motto for our new digital wars: A computer vote sinks our freedom boat.

We are at war. We have been attacked through social media, fake news and digital hacking. There is no video of dead bodies or fallen buildings, so it doesn’t feel real. Make no mistake, we were attacked, are still being attacked, and will be attacked in 2018, 2020 and beyond.

We need to know everything about this attack to help prevent further attacks. We know about the digital hacking, so not voting by computer will be a good first step. A jolt of electricity (don’t depend on surge protectors) or a magnet can destroy digital data. Cut off electricity and we couldn’t vote. How do we know the software isn’t vulnerable or leaky? Who sells us the voting machines? Who creates the voting software? How are the companies funded? Is there foreign money involved? Don’t hold your breath for an in-depth investigative report from this newspaper, educate yourselves. No victory gardens, tin collections or war bonds in this conflict.

Remember, a computer vote sinks our freedom boat. If you vote by computer, you may be aiding and abetting our enemies. Contact state and federal pols and tell them we need more paper. #donthackmyvote



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