How can Trump supporters justify themselves?

How can Trump supporters justify themselves?

Trump voter? You probably didn't notice or don't care, but President-elect Donald Trump has a tenuous relationship with the truth and the fact-checking organizations rated him much less truthful than Hillary Clinton. In fact, if the "pants on fire" thing was real, he'd be dead. But let's pretend he can actually tell the truth about his supporters: "My supporters include neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, white supremacist Breitbart conspiracy nuts, sexist pigs, anti-Semites and gun nuts who probably would have shot Hillary if she'd won, as I suggested. Paul Ryan called me a racist, just like my father, and Paul's right. So what? So are many of my supporters. But some, I assume, are good people."

Let's get specific. A woman? Maybe you think bragging about sexual assault and adultery are not biggies if the person doing it is a "celebrity." Where are your morals?

Religious? Someday you will stand in The Judgment, and woe to you, a hypocrite, who chose to vote for a con man with the morals of a feral cat (Matthew 23: 23-28).

A vet? You voted for a man who has never served, never sacrificed and disrespected a man who laid down his life for his country and his fellow soldiers and his grieving parents.

Think he's a good businessman, with multiple bankruptcies? If he's so good, why can't we see his tax returns? And he has massive conflicts of interests that indicate he will use the presidency to enrich himself, but you don't care if he's dishonest. He just paid $25 million to make a lawsuit over his fraudulent "university" go away.

What were all of you thinking?

Maybe you think, "But I'm one of the good ones!" Really? You stand shoulder-to-shoulder with neo-Nazis, the KKK, white supremacist conspiracy nuts, anti-Semites and misogynists and you're "good?" The only silver lining is that he got 3 million fewer votes than Hillary. But you probably think that's a "mandate".

Malcolm K. Cleaveland


If you're an American, then he's your president

With just a few days until our new president takes over, let me make a few comments and ask a few questions. First, it is no secret that President-elect Donald Trump has a thin skin and feels it necessary to act like a spoiled brat by tweeting in defense of himself at every opportunity instead of being adult enough to let some things roll off his back. Is he just like you and me? It appears not. Is he a really nice guy, with whom you would want to have a glass of wine? Not me, I don't like him. That being said, let me ask questions to all who are so upset.

If he is not your president, then you must not be an American citizen, or maybe you have made plans to leave the country? If not, he is your president. Is he legitimate? He sure is. There is no proof whatsoever that any hacking, Russian or other, affected the balloting. He meets the minimum requirements to be president: at least 35 years of age and born in America. Our electoral system requires a candidate to receive at least 270 [electoral votes]; he received over 300. Can you explain why he is not legitimate?

To all who are so upset, the people who want someone who was nonconventional got their way, as he is that. They didn't want another Clinton, so he fits the bill. Please do not have another cry-in, don't go into mourning and don't carry on so much that it is necessary to send therapy dogs to help you deal with reality. There are some that really need those dogs.

As the new saying seems to be: Suck it up, buttercup!

Nita McKelvey

Bella Vista

Commentary on 01/19/2017

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