
Move away from coal

Recently, the state of Arkansas has seen more and more renewable energy produced locally within our borders. We need elected officials in Arkansas that care about moving toward a cleaner energy source so that the Natural State can help lead the nation away from coal.

The production of coal is the main contributor to water pollution in the country; studies show 72 percent of all toxic water pollution comes from coal-firing plants. Coal leads to several toxic heavy metals like arsenic, selenium, boron, cadmium, mercury, and lead in our waterways, as well as pollutes our drinking water and local rivers and streams. Limiting the amount of these pollutants getting into the water supply can help not just the water quality, but the quality of our health, since these heavy metals can lead to several diseases, such as birth defects and even cancer.

The pollution done to our waterways and to our health is a major indicator that we need leaders who will move us away from dirty fossil fuels. I call on our leaders to help lead the change and move Arkansas and the nation to a renewable future by advocating for clean energy.



Remember to forgive

Forgiveness was once a major theme among Christians in this country, and considered to be one of the most admirable attributes a true Christ follower could possess. Jesus addressed the importance of forgiveness in Matthew 6.

Unfortunately for some, forgiveness appears to have fallen by the wayside. Many Christians today are more concerned with punishment and division than forgiveness and restoration. Just look at some of the policies being promoted among self-professed Christian leaders and politicians. How often these days do we hear these individuals talk about harsher criminal sentencing, expanding prisons, letting certain people suffer the consequences of their own bad decisions, and ejecting from America those who do not concede to their worldview? Just consider how many Christians have embraced the current president, a guy not well-known for his forgiving spirit.

Recall the words of a prominent Christian voice from the past. C.S. Lewis said, "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you."



Conflicts with my oath

Decades ago, I swore an oath that charged me with defending the Constitution from "all enemies, both foreign and domestic." Retirement did not dissolve that oath.

That a serial adulterer, liar, and all-around bad person is occupying the White House has been nauseating enough. Lame excuses about "learning curves'" hold no water to those in uniform. His contempt for those who serve was evident before. Now he mocks a U.S. senator, a Vietnam vet.

My respect for the rule of law is colliding with my oath to protect and defend. A conundrum. (There are no guns in my house, if anyone decides to "investigate" this as a threat.)



Victory over violence

After hearing Mayor Stodola speak about the increase in violent crimes in Little Rock, I was feeling overwhelmed! What is going on? What can we do about it?

The solution became so obvious to me as my husband and I waited recently for an elevator at Baptist Hospital. A handsome young black man approached the elevator area. He was wearing a T-shirt with the words "I have decided" written on it.

Without thinking, I blurted out, "What have you decided?"

I was delighted when he responded, "I have decided to follow Jesus. I was baptized this morning."

I grabbed his hand and shook it heartily as I told him how glad I was to hear that. The walls came down. I knew we were brother and sister in Christ. The reason I am so excited about that is because Jesus is a heart-transplant surgeon. If we really follow him, he takes our self-centered heart and replaces it with a God- and others-centered heart. With this new heart, we begin to love one another as Christ loves us, and to follow the Golden Rule to treat others the way we want to be treated.

I agree with UMC Bishop Gary Mueller's assessment that the Christian community is too complacent about this issue. We need to join together with organizations that are already working to stop the violence. Kudos to KARK and the Arkansas Victory Over Violence campaign for their concern and call to action. I plan to find my place to volunteer. How about you?


Little Rock

Address climate shift

I would like to ask Rep. Steve Womack and Senators John Boozman and Tom Cotton: What will you tell your grandchildren that you did to avert climate change?

What harm will be caused in creating a cleaner, safer planet for all? If virtually all climate scientists are correct, the harm done is rapidly moving to an irreversible crisis. Why is 6 percent of GDP poured into fossil-fuel subsidies? How will history portray your efforts in Congress to address this crisis?

Many are not waiting on you, but your actions at this time are critical. Please stop allowing the apparent suppression of government climate scientists.

We are watching and waiting for you to lead.



Editorial on 08/12/2017

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