
We cannot afford that

I think for anybody to say they are not voting for Donald Trump is traitorous to the United States of America. If Hillary is elected, we will need to change the U.S.A. abbreviation to U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of America).

Trump was just recently saved and it is a work of re-demption that may take time for him to sort out his temptations and put them at the foot of the cross.

We know where Clinton/Kaine are coming from. I believe we cannot afford to damn our children and grandchildren to their evil agendas. If it was not for our children and grandchildren, let what may come as reward for an evil, corrupt, God-hating nation that we have become.

I personally think that the Muslim invasion will be the ones to be henchmen at the guillotines. Whether they be the conquerors or the soldiers of the new world order, that is to be seen.

As in Revelation, we know that domination is coming, but we are instructed to fight the good fight. For our reward will be in heaven.



Cultivate our intellects

A snail slides over knowledge, hoping to gain instruction by osmosis. Knowledge is to be found behind the cover and not on the surface. Know-ledge is gained by the thirst to educate one's self. The voyage toward learning takes you through currents of distracting ignorance not listed on the charts. Individuals in past generations were often trapped with no charted course to search the depositories of knowledge, and libraries may not have been available.

The present generation is blessed with available learning resources literally at their fingertips. Old misinformation can be tested and balanced when placed side by side with other points of view and known facts. The thinkers of the past brought us to where we are today by testing and qualifying. It is unfortunate that the thinkers are not always fully concerned about bringing everyone along into the new realm of knowledge. It may have been a lack of acceptance that prevented them from speaking out.

Are we experiencing timidity in educators, scientists, government, business and others to inform the public for the public good and the life of the planet? In today's environment it is certainly possible that a lack of acceptance is preventing them from wanting to confront an innocent but confounding lack of knowledge.

A vast amount of knowledge is out there and I don't even know that it exists. Scientific papers are published and I may never know about them. Recently I have discovered the Google Scholar search engine where you can read published scientific papers. You cannot deny science when you know better and have an open mind willing to learn. An intellectual crop is too precious not to cultivate.



Essence of character

I believe it was former Oklahoma Republican Congressman J.C. Watts who once said that character is doing the right thing when no one is looking.

Almost everyone has now seen and heard the vulgar video of a 59- or 60-year-old Donald Trump. Character? Nope, just a dirty old man.


North Little Rock

Standing with Clinton

I have many reasons to support Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, but the four most obvious ones are:

  1. The Democratic Party supports science including mitigating the man-made causes of climate change--breaking our reliance on fossil fuels and moving our economy toward renewable energy. I want governmental policies based on fact, not faith.

  2. The Republican Party supports privatizing education, Medicare and Social Security. Privatization means putting these programs in the hands of investors so that they can make a profit. I believe that is a risky move and puts profits ahead of benefits to the public. It didn't work with the prison system and isn't working with health care (pharmaceutical and private insurance rates).

  3. Hillary and most Democrats want to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizen United decision which essentially allows corporations and the very wealthy to buy elections through unlimited contributions.

  4. Republicans like to claim that electing Hillary Clinton would be a third term of President Barack Obama's "failed economic policies" or that she represents Washington's "broken system." I think what is broken in Washington is the total, orchestrated obstructionism by the Republicans since the day President Obama was inaugurated. In spite of that and the refusal of the Republicans to fund it, President Obama has managed a recovery, bringing the country back from the brink of economic collapse. Think how much stronger that recovery could be with cooperation.

I only hope that the Obama/Hillary "third term" includes the Democrats taking back the House of Representatives and the Senate so that the country can continue to move forward, furthering the interests of ordinary Americans over those of the wealthy 1 percent.



Has sunk to the lowest

This is the last letter I will write to your paper. Why? I am so disgusted with your decision to print all the garbage in word and picture. You serve no good purpose by lowering your mission to serve all your readers well.

This state, nation and our world have sunk to the lowest moral character. Lack of respect for one another and personal beliefs and choices have created the war of the mind we are currently in.

God help us, I continue to pray. I have lived most of my life, but it is for my children, grandchildren and great-grandchild. We sorely need his guidance and forgiveness daily.

The Ten Commandments is in my Luther's Small Catechism and available to read often. Each of us lives by the faith tools taught us. There is no need for any religious monument on our state Capitol grounds. Practice your personal beliefs in daily life.


Little Rock

Give him a third term

I guess four more years of Obama look good right now.



Editorial on 10/17/2016

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