An Alien World View

Author wants to share awareness of ETs

 "The Forgotten Promise: Rejoining Our Cosmic Family" by Sherry Wilde
"The Forgotten Promise: Rejoining Our Cosmic Family" by Sherry Wilde

Sherry Wilde never intended to be a celebrity in UFO circles. Her lifelong interaction with her "guys," her word for beings from another dimension or world, was a family secret.


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Sherry Wilde is the author of “The Forgotten Promise: Rejoining Our Cosmic Family” and will speak at the Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs.

"I own a real estate company. I'm respected in my community -- or I was," she says. "I think I still am."


Ozark Mountain

UFO Conference

WHEN — April 8-9

WHERE — Inn of the Ozarks in Eureka Springs

COST — $150 & up for the full conference

INFO — ozarkufoconference.…

But one day, during the real estate downturn, she found herself "giving birth to" a book, "The Forgotten Promise: Rejoining Our Cosmic Family."

"It just came out of me," she says. "I couldn't stop it once it started.

"I was pushed and pushed by some very big names in the archangels' department," she adds. "I was meant to have this book published. I sent the manuscript off to five publishers that work in this genre -- and three publishers wanted it.

"So the book was published, I outed myself, and my life hasn't been the same since."

"This kind of book, a memoir of alien abduction experiences, is similar to the Book of Mormon in that if you do not believe Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, it is fiction," one reader wrote on Good Reads.

On April 9, Wilde will speak at the 29th annual Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs. Her topic this year is "A World in Transition," and it's also her message whenever she speaks about extraterrestrials.

"I was meant to be a spokesperson, a bridge between this world and our universal family, and to let people know it's real," she says. "There's nothing scary about it. We just live on a little bubble of ignorance on this planet.

"I consider us very unlucky to have had [this knowledge] hidden from us," she goes on. "Ninety-eight percent of the beings I've encountered out there are benevolent, wonderful, loving. We could learn so much from them.

"My talk this year is going to be about why they are here -- and do we have to be afraid? That's a big topic for lots of ufologists."

She says while she doesn't consider herself an expert, she has had experiences since she was an infant.

"My guys are all about the Creator. All about the oneness of all living things. They have such respect and reverence for life. We're a little scary to them, but they haven't given up on us."

She refers then to an ET she has known so closely she calls him "Da."

"As Da told me, it starts with one. I'm going to light your candle and hopefully bring you into this awareness. Then you can go light another."

-- Becca Martin-Brown

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NAN What's Up on 03/25/2016

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