Helpful Hints

DEAR HELOISE: My husband takes a camera whenever we travel. Being an avid photographer, that's just what he does.

One day he left the camera in a restaurant, but didn't realize it until the manager called. When we went to pick it up, I asked her how she was able to locate us, and she said that since there wasn't a name on it, she went through some of the pictures looking for a clue.

Tom had written his name and cellphone number on a sticky note, along with the phrase "This phone belongs to ..." He took a picture of the note. I thought that was too clever not to share.

-- Ginger P., via email

DEAR HELOISE: I keep a journal when I travel. In it, I write down all the important information related to my trip. I write down names of companies that I use for transportation, including any related tidbits.

If I take a picture on my phone, I will reference it in my journal also. If I can, I even tape or staple items to the pages and annotate them, too. The best part is that I have a detailed account of my trips over the years. I can go to my "happy" places anytime I am not traveling.

-- Roselyn F.

in San Francisco

DEAR HELOISE: I've tried different ways to marinate beef, and so far I've not fallen in love with any I've created. Any hints? When it comes to cooking, I'll try anything once.

-- Dan Y. in New Hampshire

DEAR READER: Dan, try mixing the following ingredients in a medium bowl, then use the same way you would a commercial marinade:

• 1 cup dry white or red wine

• 1/4 cup cider vinegar

• 1 cup salad oil

• 2 teaspoons salt

• 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

• 1 bay leaf, crushed into small pieces

• 1/2 teaspoon thyme or marjoram

• 1 large clove garlic, finely chopped

This combination of ingredients should add wonderful flavor to your beef, but it also can be used on veal or lamb.

DEAR HELOISE: With new seedlings, I take a wooden clothespin, the kind with the metal spring on it, and write the contents and information about the seedling on it. I clip it to the rim of the pot for future reference.

-- Virginia S., via email

DEAR READERS: To keep sticky ingredients like honey, corn syrup or molasses from making a mess in a measuring utensil, spray it with cooking oil first.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

[email protected]

MovieStyle on 06/24/2016

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