Letters to the Editor

Stop rewarding irresponsible behavior

The Sunday, July 17, edition of the Democrat-Gazette had two articles which proved very interesting. First in the Perspective section we read the editorial about "Class in America," which stated once someone is in the lower classes, it is almost impossible to rise above that level. Ms. Isenberg quoted Michael Harrington, who said the poor were poor because "they made the mistake of being born to the wrong parents."

The second article was in section A and titled "Study focuses on unwed mothers." The study discovered 59 percent of births are to unwed mothers and of those 80 percent were in low-educated and low-income areas. Young women wanted to have children but couldn't find a suitable mate and they didn't want to wait too long; they might never have children.

The report never asked these women how they planned to support these children without a partner! Of course, we all know the answer: welfare. They can move out of their mother's home, be treated as an adult and let the taxpayers foot the bill. And the child's father can continue to act like a child himself remaining totally irresponsible for his actions.

Research has proven the overriding factor in poverty is whether a child is raised in a two-parent family or not. So how do we stop this cycle of poverty? It's simple.

If she wasn't married when she had this baby or if she can't produce a legal document from the father stating he will financially support their child, sorry, no welfare. She will have to continue to live with relatives. This is what happened before welfare gave unwed mothers free apartment and anything else she desired.

I have lived in low income apartments. Some people are going through rough financial times. They need our help. Many are just rebellious girls who wanted out of their chaotic homes, but having sex with a jerk, getting pregnant and then applying for welfare is not the way out. Neither is hiding incest or rape.

Yes, having fathers promise to support their children doesn't mean they will actually do it, but it will give the state authority to confiscate his car.

In a committee meeting when I was a state representative, I asked the question concerning how the state could get money from this irresponsible father: He was a drug dealer with loads of money. He impregnated three women but never married them, had seven children and would live with each family for a month in their welfare apartment and then move on. The answer: Nothing because they weren't married.

I can hear my pro-life friends saying, "But these girls might have an abortion if we don't supply welfare." I grieve they might. But that's tough love; sometimes people don't respond correctly to intervention; they walk away and keep making bad decisions. We can pray for them, but the people with the problem shouldn't control the situation. Stop poverty by NOT rewarding irresponsibility.

Donna Hutchinson

Bella Vista

No White House blue light honor for slain policemen

In an article in the Democrat-Gazette, it was reported that "Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick implored Obama to more strongly condemn people who call for killing police and to grant a national law enforcement group's request that the White House be lit up with blue lights in solidarity" and that "the White House has declined that request...".

But Obama was more than happy to light up the peoples' White House in garish colors to celebrate his Supreme Court's decision to desecrate the institution of traditional marriage and yet refuses to light it in blue to honor five policemen slain in the line of duty by a black man at a "Black Lives Matter" protest. And he claims to be a president of all the people?

Phil Warner


Commentary on 07/24/2016

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