
A modest proposal

The majority of the voters in the United States voted against President-elect Donald Trump. Of those who are true believers--Roman Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc.--I urge you to pray for Mr. Trump.

Let us all lift up a mighty chorus of invocations. Where you see weaknesses, pray for strengths. Where there are imperfections, ask for virtues. Where there is hate, replace it with love. Where you see a loose cannon, ask for self-control.

Pray that Donald Trump rises to the occasion and fits the office. It's for the good of our nation. Pray for him; after all, his supporters won't. They seem to like him the way he is.


North Little Rock

Defend Constitution

Recently Donald Trump tweeted that persons who burn the American flag should be punished, possibly even through loss of citizenship.

By itself, this tweet might mean only that he is ignorant of the concept of constitutionally protected expression. However, when that tweet comes from (a) the president-elect of our republic who (b) has demonstrated his intention to ostracize media outlets who publish anything negative about him, (c) bullies and threatens private citizens who say anything negative about him, and (d) invents and publicizes the facts as he wishes them to be, I think we all have cause to be deeply concerned.

As a veteran of two wars, and the son, son-in-law, and father of combat veterans, I hold the American flag as sacred as anybody, and cannot imagine a citizen of these United States wishing to desecrate it in any way; but my oath is to support and defend the Constitution, which protects such freedom of expression.

The French philosopher Voltaire is alleged to have said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." As president, Mr. Trump must adopt precisely that position.



Qualified for naming

I think airports should be named for people who have actually made a contribution to this state. As a former president, Bill Clinton is worthy of that consideration. Grudgingly, I will accept that. But Hillary? A two-time failure as a presidential candidate, a flawed term as secretary of state, and a term as U.S. senator for the state of New York.

I believe the only real accomplishment on her resume is the "Mrs." in her name. She did stand by her man. But if that qualifies her to have a building, street or structure named after her, then we should rename every street and public building in this city for women who have done the same. I can give you a list.


Little Rock

What lies ahead for us

Donald Trump's wealth was largely built using the time-tested strategy of never giving a sucker an even break. It seems professional wrestling, casinos, luxury real estate and resorts, reality TV, prestige-label goods, Miss Universe and Trump University are all sucker plays.

His campaign was, too. I believe the marks were set up in long cons by the Republican Congress suppressing the recovery and demonizing Obamacare and Hillary Clinton. They lambasted the Fed for using monetary policy, which was necessary in the absence of congressional fiscal policy to stimulate growth.

He preached the religion of wealth. I hope he doesn't govern that way. The science of economics is treacherous enough without muddling it with money worship.

Fiscal policy now might include infrastructure spending, but will most likely be a return to trickle-down tax cuts for the rich and token regulation. Money-handlers and those who exploit the environment, consumers and workers will be on Easy Street.

The worst of it might be renormalization of bigotry, discrimination and xenophobia. The "America" in his "America First" is not an open, inclusive, multi-ethnic society. Our wealth will not be used to alleviate suffering abroad, but to try to impose our will by force, with little regard for consequences.

I hope he will be true to his nature and not feel obligated by anything he said in the campaign.

I hope Republicans in Congress will not reject climate science, economics or any other scientific discipline. I hope they will embrace civil rights with open minds and hearts.



Day forever in infamy

I read the article about the coming events planned for the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. I believe the powers that be have missed the point.

This day is in honor of Pearl Harbor and the many service members who were there that day. It is not a day or week to further the commercial aspect of bringing more money into the city or state or to focus on all of World War II. Please don't commercialize this day or lump it into all the battlefields of World War II.

Every state holds ceremonies to reflect on this date in history. Many honor their native sons and daughters who were there. It is a date that has reflected military decisions made from that point on. Arkansas once had a Pearl Harbor Survivors Association with two state chapters. All states had them and belonged to the national association. Their members gave talks to schools and civic organizations, handed out flags, and taught children to respect the flag and what it stands for. On Dec. 7 there was a float parade and every branch of service cast a wreath into the Arkansas River. Now there are very few left to relate firsthand any part of this significant date in history or to tell their personal stories.

Survivors and their families have held this date in special reverence. The motto "Be Prepared ... Remember Pearl Harbor" was drilled in their heads. I know--my father was a Pearl Harbor survivor and my mother served in the Navy as well.

Let's keep this date etched in history and leave the money-hungry commercialism out of it.


Little Rock

Editorial on 12/03/2016

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