Thanks for Masterson’s river commentaries

Mike Masterson’s April 12 column is the absolute best of all the articles and observations I’ve read about that %$# hog factory.

Masterson has done far more than anyone else to curb what any thinking reader must know is rapidly becoming an irreversible disaster for perhaps the most precious river in the country. Now, if only enough readers and legislators will “help” our governor find the courage to (finally) start resolving what was a stupidly irresponsible bureaucratic action. I’ll never understand why those responsible at our state Department of Environmental Quality (cough) were never held accountable for approving such a terrible action.


Who fills the great

golden chariot?

Behold, what do I see? It’s old Arkie with his tin cup outstretched, hoping Uncle Sugar from D.C. will roll down the street in his golden chariot. But look! Yonder stands Okie and Tex and 47 other tin cups. Who loads Uncle Sugar’s chariot? Where do these goodies come from?

Answer: The taxpayers’ pocketbooks.

The obvious solution is very simple: Keep the money home and let each state provide for its own. It will some day come to this.


What impressed Bassett

about Obama?

Woody Bassett’s op-ed about President Obama’s “wonderful” performance led off with how well the labor market has recovered under this administration. What is missing is what, exactly, he did to achieve the results Bassett crows about.

Did he create jobs in coal-producing states? Hardly. Half the miners are out of work as the small businesses in those small towns are closing.

Did he relax regulations? Uh, not so much. There are more hurdles than ever.

Did he enact tax credits to help fund new hires? No. Instead he pushed higher minimum wages. Can you say “kiosks in McDonalds?”

Is the Affordable Care Act a boon to labor markets? You’re kidding, right?

It’s true that labor markets have had a tepid recovery since the Great Recession. But that is in spite of Obama’s domestic policies, not because of them.

DENNIS LAWLER Fayetteville

[email protected]

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