Beyond belief

The Hon. Barack Obama, president of the United States of Insurance, says his country and company is doing just fine, thank you. Just don’t try telling that to Americans who are trying to buy insurance and finding it harder and harder to find, if not impossible. Which may explain why they’re staying away from Obamacare in droves. So are other insurance companies. Maybe that’s because of the many vaunted “improvements” Obamacare, Inc., has made not just in our health-insurance system but in our health care itself.

To quote one physician, it’s not the patients that give him the most trouble, but the Electronic Health Care Record (EHR) he is obliged to keep. “It interrupts me with text boxes to remind me of every possible drug interaction whenever I order a prescription. It makes me commit to a diagnosis as a heading before I can enter anything the patient tells me. And the ‘meaningful use’ criteria force me to click box after useless box to generate a turgid document that makes little sense except in the places that allow free writing.”

The moral of this story: The one thing worse than trying to get health care out of this administration is getting it.

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