Helpful Hints

DEAR HELOISE: If you don't have time to vacuum, or it's too hot, you can use a roll of duct tape or masking tape to pick up any obvious crumbs, bits of paper, etc.

-- Mary E., Albany, N.Y.

DEAR READERS: The Internet and social networking can be an equalizer (as the printing press was), allowing people from all economic and education levels, locations or situations to have access to information. However, there is a lot of good and bad info out there. Anyone can start a website and pose (and post) as an expert when they are not. I've seen bad, wrong and dangerous information presented as "fact" when I know it's not correct. Please, think twice and check several sites, especially ones you can trust, before trying something that can be harmful.

What about social networking? Oh, so many places to let the world know what you are doing! This again is a new way to keep in touch, as the postal service and pony express were long ago. Way back then, one waited months to hear news from family. Please remember, depending on your security settings, who may see what you post. Think -- do you really want the world (or boss) to know about your surgery, divorce, illness or financial situation? If your posts are restricted to those you trust, then it should not be worrisome.

Know that most potential employers and college recruiters look to social media. They will be checking what you are doing.

Don't post about going on vacation; post about having been on vacation.

Have fun, but be safe.

DEAR HELOISE: My daughter's hair dryer was always cutting off after about 60 seconds. I noticed that the vents for the air intake were clogged with lint and dust. I unplugged the dryer and used an old toothbrush to scrape away the debris, and now her dryer does not quit in 60 seconds. This saved her from having to buy another one.

-- Louis G. III in San Antonio

DEAR HELOISE: I had a pretty round throw pillow, sewed a small piece of ribbon on it and hung it on the wall. It's now my pincushion for costume-jewelry pins. I use old hat pins to hold my rings. This makes a handy holder.

-- Patsy B., Lubbock, Texas

DEAR HELOISE: I have a top-loader washer. When I am done washing, I leave the lid open. I've never had mold or mildew, and my washer is 8 years old.

-- Lois in Hammond, Ind.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

[email protected]

Weekend on 06/23/2015

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